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Mode 2: the bar graph displays the air pressure history of the past 72 hours in
seven steps. The horizontal axis represents the last 72 hours of air pressure
recording (-72, -48, -36, -24, -12, -6 and 0 hour).
The vertical bars are plotted at each of the nine steps and give the trend over the
recorded period. The 0 hour vertical bar will always display at the midline height to
indicate the current air pressure. The varying height of bars inn other columns on the
graph indicate a relative change in air pressure up or down from the previous
New pressure measurements are compared to previously recorded pressure
measurements. The pressure change is expressed by the difference between the
current ("0h") and the past readings in divisions of ±0.06 inHg or ±2 hPa. If the bars are
rising from left to right, this indicates that the weather is getting better due to an
increase in air pressure. If the bars are falling from left to right, this indicates that the
weather is expected to get worse due to a drop in air pressure.
At every full hour, the current air pressure is used as a basis for the display of a new
graph bar. The existing graph is then moved one column to the left.
Note: For accurate barometric pressure trend, the Weather Center should operate at
the same altitude. For example, it should not be moved. Should the unit be moved, for
instance from the ground to the second floor of the house, the readings for the next 48-
60 hours shall be discarded.
Note: The bar graph will scroll right to left regularly to prevent LCD burnout.
The current wind direction is indicated by a pointer on the outer circle of the
The last 6 wind directions are displayed with pointers on the inner circle.
The wind direction (abbreviation or degrees) is displayed in center of compass.
Press the SET key to toggle between Mode1 and Mode 2 of the display
Mode 1 displays the following wind data:
Wind direction (shown on the compass scale of 16 divisions)
Wind chill in °C or °F
Wind speed in km/h, mph, bft, knots or m/s
Mode 2 displays the following wind data:
Wind direction (shown on the compass scale of 16 divisions)
Wind chill in °C or °F
Wind gust in km/h, mph, bft, knots or m/s

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Andere handleiding(en) van TFA 35.1099 Primus

TFA 35.1099 Primus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 33 pagina's

TFA 35.1099 Primus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 32 pagina's

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