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ongratulations on purchasing this state-of-the-art weather station. Featuring time,
date, calendar, weather forecast, wind gust and wind speed, indoor/outdoor
temperature and humidity, air pressure and rainfall, this weather station will provide
you with various weather information and weather forecasts.
Heavy Weather Pro software allows you to use a PC to monitor and record weather
data received from your wireless weather station via a proprietary USB device that was
provided with your 2800 series weather station.
You can monitor and record a variety of data collected by your weather station including
both indoor and external values sampled by the various weather station sensors.
You can also review weather history data, and analyze trends and tendencies over time
using the software's charts and graphing features.
Download the PRIMUS PC software free from the service/downloads area of www.tfa-
Please be sure to read the instruction manual carefully.
This information will help you to familiarise yourself with your new device, learn all of its
functions and parts, find out important details about its first use and how to operate it,
and get advice in the event of faults.
Following the instruction manual for use will prevent damage to the device and loss of
your statutory rights arising from defects due to incorrect use.
We shall not be liable for any damage occurring as a result of not following these
instructions. Likewise, we take no responsibility for any incorrect readings and for any
consequences which may result from them.
Please take particular note of the safety advice!
Please look after this manual for future reference.
The product is exclusively intended for the field of application described above. The
product should only be used as described within these instructions.
Unauthorised repairs, modifications or changes to the product are prohibited.
The product is not to be used for medical purpose or for public information, but is
intended solely for home use.
Risk of injury:
Keep these instruments and the batteries out of reach of children.

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Andere handleiding(en) van TFA 35.1099 Primus

TFA 35.1099 Primus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 33 pagina's

TFA 35.1099 Primus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 32 pagina's

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