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EN 2
Information for Users on Disposal of Old
Equipment and Batteries
[European Union]
These symbols indicate that the electrical
and electronic equipment and the battery
with this symbol should not be disposed of
as general household waste at their end-
of-life. Instead, the products should be
handed over to the applicable collection
points for the recycling of electrical and
electronic equipment as well as batteries
for proper treatment, recovery and recycling
in accordance with your national legislation
and the Directive 2012/19/EU, 2006/66/EC
and 2008/12/EC.
By disposing of these products correctly,
you will help to conserve natural resources
and will help to prevent potential negative
effects on the environment and human
health which could otherwise be caused
by inappropriate waste handling of these
For more information about collection points
and recycling of these products, please
contact your local municipal ofce, your
household waste disposal service or the
shop where you purchased the product.
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect
disposal of this waste, in accordance with
national legislation.
[Business users]
If you wish to dispose of this product, please
contact your supplier and check the terms
and conditions of the purchase contract.
[Other Countries outside the European
These symbols are only valid in the
European Union. If you wish to dispose of
these items, please do so in accordance
with applicable national legislation or other
rules in your country for the treatment of old
electrical equipment and batteries.
The sign Pb
below the
symbol for
indicates that
this battery
contains lead.
Dear Customer,
This apparatus is in conformance with the valid European directives and standards regarding electromagnetic
compatibility and electrical safety.
TCL Operations Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. A. Mickiewicza 31/41
96-300 Żyrardow, Poland
Email address: zyeee@tcl.com
Figures and illustrations in this User Manual are provided for reference only and may differ from actual product
appearance. Product design and specications may be changed without notice.
the hexagonal VESA wall mounting screw bosses
(and screws) provided with the set into the nuts for
the wall mount at the back of your set before your
wall mounting.
The TV set must be installed on a vertical wall.
Make sure to use only screws suitable for the
material of the wall.
Make sure that the TV set cables are placed so that
there is no danger of tripping over them.
All other safety instructions about our TV sets are also
applicable here.
Placing the TV on a table and other surfaces
Before setting up your television set, make sure that
the surface you want to put the set on can support its
Do not place the set on an unstable surface (e.g.
moving shelf, very edge of a unit) and make sure that
the front of the television set does not overhang the
surface it is standing on.
To avoid TV from falling please fasten TV to the
wall by using necessary screws (in Vesa wall mount
holes), clamps, anchors to be bought separately.
Install TV near to the wall to avoid falling backwards.
Multi product user manual
The features described in this manual are common to
most models. Some features may not be available on
your TV and/or your TV may include features that are
not described in this user manual. The illustrations in
this manual may differ from the actual product. Please
refer to the actual product.
ortant information

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