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• High/Low Pressure
Choose the pressure level most
suited to the food you are cooking:
High pressure for fast cooking
Low pressure for delicate foods
• Browning
This preset temperature setting
(356°F) allows you to sear foods
over high heat before pressure
Browning foods in a small amount
of fat will seal in more avors,
moisture and colors. This will also
make foods more appealing.
• Sauté
This preset temperature setting
(284°F) enables you to soften foods
in a small amount of fat prior to
pressure cooking or to
cook foods such as rice for pilafs &
• Simmer
This preset temperature setting
(185°F) allows you to cook foods in
hot liquids kept at or just barely
below boiling point.
This setting is primarily used when
adding ingredients (sauces for
example) or at the end of the
cooking process.
• Keep Warm
Automatically switches to Keep
Warm at the end of cooking.
Foods will remain warm for up to
12 hours.
(Recommended Keep Warm time is
1 hour)
Remove all packaging material
- Clean all parts
- Connect power cord to unit
- Put the condensation collector in place
- Place food in the cooking pot
- Close and lock the lid
- Correctly position the pressure limit valve by aligning dot on valve to raised line of valve
- Plug the unit in the wall outlet
Emeril by T-fal
Electric Pressure Cooker Settings Guide
Emeril by T-fal
Electric Pressure Cooker Quick Start Guide
LCD Screen with
Countdown Timer
Setting selection
Cooking time
(Only for low & high
Press start
to start cooking
Press cancel
to cancel setting or
Please do not return the Emeril by T-fal Electric
Pressure Cooker to the place of purchase.
If you have any questions or issues please
contact our Customer Service Department at:
Setting up your electric pressure cooker
- Press the menu button to either the high or low setting
- Press the timer button to select the cook time
- Press the start button
Note : the cooker will now start the cooking process. When the LED stops ashing, this
indicates the unit is under pressure and the countdown timer will start.
Setting your electric pressure cooker to pressure cook
You have two options when the cooking has stopped:
- Automatic pressure release: You don't need to do anything. In about 12-30 minutes, the
unit will automatically release the internal pressure and then you will be able to open the lid.
- Quick pressure release: You can release the pressure by turning the pressure release valve
to the steam position. After all steam has released, you will then be able to open the lid. Be
careful to use tongs or an oven mitt when turning the valve as the steam will be very hot.
What to do when the electric pressure cooking timer has stopped
- Press the menu button to select brown, simmer or saute
- Press the start button
Note: The cooker will now start to preheat the cooking pot. When the LED stops ashing,
this indicates it has reached the correct tempertaure and you can now add your ingredients.
Using your electric pressure cooker to brown, simmer or sauté
- When pressure cooking is complete, the unit will automatically switch to Keep Warm. It will
not completely shut o.
- Press the cancel button at any time to reset or cancel your cooking selection.
- When pressure cooking, always make sure the round dot on the top of the valve is lined up
to the raised line on the valve chimney otherwise the unit will not go under pressure.
- Always check that all parts are clean and free of any debris otherwise the unit may not go
under pressure.
Refer to the owner's manual or call our consumer service department
at 800-395-8325 for help
Quick tips
Please carefully read the instruction manual before use!

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