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Operating Manual
Please read and observe the following
information and keep the operating
manual nearby for future reference!
Safety information
Risk of fatal injury through cable!
Children could become entangled in the cables and strangle
Æ Ensure that the baby monitoring units and power cable are
out of reach of babies/children, i.e. they are at least one meter
Risk of explosion!
Æ Only use the power adapter plug supplied!
Æ Only use the battery supplied or ones of the same type!
Æ Always treat batteries with due care and attention and only
use them as described.
Æ Never use standard and rechargeable batteries together.
Never use rechargeable batteries or standard batteries with
different capacities or charge statuses together. Never use
rechargeable batteries or standard batteries which are
Risk of suffocation through small objects, packaging and
protective foil!
Æ Keep children away from the product and its packaging!
Risk of fire through power adapter plugs!
Power adapter plugs can heat up.
Æ Never leave any objects on the power adapter plugs. Ensure
access to the power adapter plugs is not obstructed by fur
niture or such.
Risk of tripping due to improperly laid cable!
Æ Lay the cables so that nobody can trip over them!
Batteries represent a hazard to health and the environment!
Æ Never open, damage or swallow batteries or allow them to
pollute the environment. They could contain toxic and
ecologically harmful heavy metals.
Intended use
The baby monitor serves to monitor a baby/child in a room. The
transmitter unit, located near the child, transmits noises made by the
baby/child to the receiver unit. Any other use is considered uninten
ded use. Unauthorised modification or reconstruction is not permit
ted. Under no circumstances open the devices or complete any
repair work yourself.
Use only in suitable environments
Observe all local directives and regulations.
Prevent excessive exposure to smoke, dust, vibration, chemicals,
moisture, heat and direct sunlight.
Package contents
- Receiver unit
Transmitter unit
Power adapter plug, transmitter unit
- P
ower adapter plug, receiver unit
- Operating manual
Operating elements
Transmitter unit
1 Operating indicator
On/Off switch
3 Power adapter plug
4 Battery compartment
Receiver unit
5 Noise indicator
6 Operating indicator
7 Volume control
8 On/Off switch
9 Power adapter plug connection
10 Belt clip
11 Battery compartment
Inserting the batteries
pen the battery
compartment with
an appropriate
ries (Transmitter unit 4 x AAA, receiver
unit 3 x AAA - not provided!)
ÆClose the battery compartment.
Starting up the transmitter unit
ÆConnect the power adapter p
lug to the power adapter socket [3]
on the transmitter unit and plug it into the mains power outlet, or
insert batteries.
Ê The operating indicator [1] lights up and the device is in
The transmitter unit also transmits when the receiver unit is not
in operation. The signals can be received by other units.
Switching the transmitter unit off
Starting up the receiver unit
ÆConnect the power adapter plug to the power adapter socket [9]
on the receiver unit and plug it into the mains power outlet, or
insert batteries.
ÆSwitch on using On-Off Switch [8] to switch the unit on.Ê The
operating indicator [6] lights up.
The range is maximally 300m but can be reduced by obstacles
such as walls etc. If the receiver unit is outside the range, the
indicator [5] flashes.
Changing the volume
ÆUse the volume control [7] to raise or lower
the volume.
Noise indicator
The noise indicator [5
] indicates the volume of a noise. The louder
the noise, the more LEDs are lighted.
Switching the receiver unit off
ÆSwitch the button [8] Ê Switch the receiver unit off.
Power adapter plugs, both units
Using the energy-efficient power adapter plugs (input 100-240V
output 5V
1000mA) the zero load is approx. 0.04 - 0.06W. The
average efficiency is approx. 71.94%. The maximum power
consumption is approx. 4.14W.
Service hotline
In the case of technical problems, contact our Service hotline.
Switzerland: Tel. 0900 00 1675 (national charges, Swisscom at time
of going to print: CHF 2.60/min).
In the case of claims under the terms of guarantee, please contact
your sales outlet.
Æ Clean the surface of the housing with a soft, fluff-free cloth.
Æ Do not use any cleaning agents or solvents.
In order to dispose of your device, take it to a collection point
provided by your local public waste authorities (e.g. recycling
centre). According to laws on the disposal of electronic and
electrical devices, owners are obliged to dispose of old electronic and
electrical devices in a separate waste container. The adjacent symbol
indicates that the device must not be disposed of in normal domestic
You are legally obliged to dispose of power packs and batteries
at the point-of-sale or in the corresponding containers provided
at collection points by the public waste authorities. Disposal is
free of charge. The symbols indicate that the batteries must not
be disposed of in normal domestic waste and that they must be
brought to collection points provided by local public waste
Packaging materials must be disposed of according to local
SWITEL equipment is produced and tested according to the latest
production methods. The implementation of carefully chosen
materials and highly developed technologies ensure trouble-free
functioning and a long service life. The terms of guarantee do not
apply to the batteries or power packs used in the products. The
period of guarantee is 24 months from the date of purchase.
All deficiencies related to material or manufacturing errors within the
period of guarantee will be redressed free of charge. Rights to
claims under the terms of guarantee are annulled following
tampering by the purchaser or third parties. Damage caused as the
result of improper handling or operation, normal wear and tear,
incorrect positioning or storage, improper connection or installation
or Acts of God and other external influences are excluded from the
terms of guarantee. In the case of complaints, we reserve the right to
repair defective parts, replace them or replace the entire device.
Replaced parts or devices become our property. Rights to
compensation in the case of damage are excluded where there is no
evidence of intent or gross negligence by the manufacturer.
If your device shows signs of defect during the period of guarantee,
please return it to the sales outlet in which you purchased the
SWITEL device together with the purchase receipt. All claims under
the terms of guarantee in accordance with this agreement can only
be asserted at the sales outlet. No claims under the terms of
guarantee can be asserted after a period of two years from the date
of purchase and hand-over of the product.
Declaration of Conformity
This device fulfils the requirements stipulated in the EU
directive 1999/5/EC concerning radio equipment and
telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual
recognition of their conformity. Conformity with the above mentioned
directive is confirmed by the CE mark on the device. To view the
complete Declaration of Conformity, please refer to the free download
available on our web site at www.switel.com.
Digital Baby Phone
Bambino BCC 38 digital
Transmitter Unit
Receiver Unit
Switch on using On-Off Switch [2]
Switch off using On-Off Switch.
ÆIn case there is interference or poor signal in operation,
you can try to change the channel by just pressing the
pairing button in the baby unit battery compartment. The
baby and parent unit will search an interference-free
channel to continue the operation.
Press the button inside
the hole by a pin if
there is interference.
ÆThe units are well paired by the manufacturer. Renew the pairing
if the parent unit (receiver) loses the signal from the baby unit
(transmitter). Procedures:
ÆPress the pairing button in the battery compartment of both baby
and parent units simultaneously by a pin and hold it (refer to the
below pic).
Turn on both units. Release the pairing button after one
second. When the volume LEDs flash, the pairing is successful.
Pairing buttons

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Andere handleiding(en) van Switel BCC38

Switel BCC38 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Switel BCC38 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 1 pagina's

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