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SH 6X0
Congratulaons to your new Smart home device, swisstone
SH 6X0. This Smart Wi-Fi camera allows you to monitor your
home remotely. It lets record a video or snap pictures if you
have an Internet connecon. It can also be set to send a no-
caon as soon as it detects moon or sound.
1. Install the KAFO app
Download and install the app KAFO from Google Play or App
Store on your smartphone.
Compable devices
Android version 4.1 and later
iOS version 8.0 and later
2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network
2. Register/login on the KAFO APP
When rst opening the KAFO app, select to
a new
account or
if you already have an account.
Note! Be sure to remember the username and
password for later use with Amazon Echo or
Google Home integraon.
3. Add device, Smart Setup Option
Note! Your mobile device must
be connected to the same
Wi-Fi network as your SH 6X0
should be connected to.
Please also note that SH 6X0
only supports 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
1. Connect the mains adapter
to an electrical wall socket.
The device must be within
the Wi-Fi network range.
Avoid placing the SH 6X0 near
potenal sources of radio
signal interference.
2. In the KAFO app, click
Add Device
or + in the upper right
corner to add this new device.
3. Select the device type
Security Camera
4. Make sure the blue Wi-Fi indicator blinks quickly, then
Conrm indicator rapidly blink
. If not, press and hold
the reset buon for 5 seconds.
5. Select the same Wi-Fi
your phone is connected
to and enter the password
for that Wi-Fi, then click
6. When the app and the
device have found each
other, click to rename
the device to a suitable
unique name, e.g. “Living
Tip: If using your device
with Amazon Alexa or Google Home we recommend
naming the device to something that is easy to say
and for the service to understand.
7. When ready, click
to add the found device to
the device list in the app.
You can also click
Share to family
to share the device
with your family. Enter their KAFO account to share
the device control.
8. SH 620 can also be wall mounted.
Secure the camera with applicable screws.
4. Device management
You have now connected your new device and can start
to use the camera.
In the app, click the device you just connected and view
the image interface where you have 2 main opons:
Live View
Live View
Live View
you have the
following opons:
Press to listen to sound
via the phone.
to change from
Press for motion
detection settings.
Press to open the MIC
and talk via phone.
Press to record a
Press make a
In the Playback you have the
following opons:
Press to view a record on
the SD card and easily see what
time and date it was recorded.
Press to record a video.
Press make a screenshot.
Device properes
in the upper right corner
to view and modify the device
Modify Device Name
: to change
the device name. If you for
instance move the plug it can be
good to have a matching name.
Device sharing
: to share the
device with other KAFO
Device info
: detailed information
about the device.
Basic Feature Setting
: for some
basic settings.
Sound Detection Settings
: set the
sound detection level. A notification will be sent if a sound
is detected. Select between:
Motion Detection Settings
: set the motion detection level.
A notification will be sent if a motion is detected. Select
SD Card Settings
: for SD card settings. Insert a SD card
to enable more storage for recordings.
Added micro SD card must be formaed with FAT32.
Maximum SD card size: 128 GB.
Send Feedback
: send feedback to the developers
Check for Firmware Update
: for keeping the device
updated with the latest improvements.
Remove Device
: remove the device paring.
SH 615
SH 620
SH 600
SH 600
SH 620

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Andere handleiding(en) van Swisstone SH 615

Swisstone SH 615 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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