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If the motorcycle is to be left unused
for extended period of time for winter
storage or any other reason, the ma-
chine needs special servicing requir-
ing appropriate materials, equipment
and skill. For
reason, Suzuki rec-
ommends that you trust this mainte-
nance work to your Suzuki dealer. If
you need to service the machine for
storage yourself, follow the general
guidelines below.
Clean the entire motorcycle. Place the
motorcycle on the side stand on a firm,
flat surface where it will not fall over.
Fill the fuel tank to the top with fuel
mixed with the amount of gasoline
stabilizer recommended by the sta-
bilizer manufacturer.
2. Run the engine for a few minutes
until the stabilized gasoline fills the
fuel injection system.
Pour one tablespoon of motor oil
into each spark plug hole. Reinstall
the spark plugs and crank the en-
gine a few times.
2. Drain the engine oil thoroughly.
Refill the crankcase with fresh en-
gine oil all the way up to the filler
Remove the battery from the mo-
NOTE: Be sure to remove the nega-
tive terminal first, then remove the
positive terminal.
2. Clean the outside of the battery with
a mild detergent and remove any
corrosion from the terminals and
wiring harness connections.
3. Store the battery in a room above
Inflate the tires to the normal specifi-
Spray all vinyl and rubber parts with
rubber preservative.
Spray the unpainted surfaces with
rust preventative.
Coat the painted surfaces with car
Once a month, recharge the battery
with a specified charging rate (Am-
pere). Standard charging rate is
x 5 to 10 hours.
Clean the entire motorcycle.
Reinstall the battery.
NOTE: Be sure to connect the posi-
tive terminal first, then connect the
negative terminal.
Remove the spark plugs. Turn the
engine a few times by putting the
transmission in top gear and turn-
ing the rear wheel. Reinstall the
spark plugs.
Drain the engine oil thoroughly.
Replace the oil filter with a new one
and pour fresh oil as outlined in this
Adjust the pressure of tires as de-
scribed in the TIRES section.
Lubricate all places as instructed
in this manual.
Do the "Inspection Before Riding"
as listed in this manual.

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