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Make sure the antenna is properly connected.
Make sure the volume is not set to minimum or the sound is not set to mute.
Make sure the headphones are not connected.
The TV may be receiving a signal other than from TV broadcasting stations.
Picture is not clear.
Make sure the antenna cable is properly connected.
Consider whether your TV signal is being properly received.
Poor picture quality can occur due to a VHS camera, camcorder, or other peripheral being
connected at the same time. Switch off one of the other peripherals.
The ‘ghost’ or double image may be caused by obstruction to the antenna due to high-rise
buildings or hills. Using a highly directional antenna may improve the picture quality.
The horizontal dotted lines shown on the pictures may be caused by electrical interference, e.g.,
hair dryer, nearby neon lights, etc. Turn off or remove these.
Picture is too dark, too light or tinted.
Check the colour adjustment.
Check the brightness setting.
Check the sharpness function.
Remote control does not work.
Check the batteries of the remote control.
Make sure the remote sensor window on the TV front is not under strong fluorescent lighting.
Try to clean the remote sensor window on the TV front with a soft cloth.
If the above suggestions do not solve your technical issue, please refer to the warranty card for
service information.
TV Broadcasting PAL/SECAM BG/DK/I/LL’
Receiving channels VHF/UHF/Cable
Tuner type Frequency synthesized
Operating Conditions
Temperature 5 °C ~ 35 °C (41 °F ~ 95 °F)
Humidity 20 ~ 80% (non-condensing)
Storage Conditions
Temperature -15 °C ~ 45 °C (5 °F ~ 113 °F)
Humidity 10 ~ 90% (non-condensing)
OSS Notice
This product uses software library from Freetype Project.
This product uses software library which is distributed under the zlib license.
This product uses UNICODE software programmes which are distributed under IBM Open source
license. This product uses glibc software programmes which are distributed under the GNU license.

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