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There may be many reasons that aect the correct operation of your TV set and of Android system. If TV
does not work as you expect, please follow the steps outlined below. If after performing these operations
the TV still does not work well, contact your dealer or service centre in your area or write an email to our
support line via our website www.strong.tv.
If the DTV part shows problems with reception, rst check if all cables and connectors still are in good
condition. Check whether your dish/antenna still is xed well and pointed optimally to the satellite of
your choice. Check whether the satellite settings in the menus are still correct. If everything is OK with
them, you can reset DTV part back to the factory settings and try to install everything again from the
very beginning.
If you experience problems in the Android part, rst check whether it is caused by an application. Try to
clear the data or remove the app and check if this solves the problem.
If not successful you can reset the TV set back to the factory settings and try to install it again.
WARNING: Do not open the TV. It may cause a dangerous situation! Moreover, this
action will damage the warranty seals and warranty repairs will be denied.
Problem Possible reason Solution
Cannot turn on the TV set The power cable is not
connected to the 230 V outlet
Check whether the power
connector is completely plugged
into the socket of outlet.
No signal or weak signal,
intermittent reception.
Cables might have loosened.
Moisture might have entered
into cables or connectors.
Heavy rain or heavy storm at
Check the cable connections,
LNB and other equipment
connected between the LNB and
the receiver or adjust the dish.
Wait for rain/storm to subside.
The satellite dish is not pointing
at the (correct) satellite(s)
Adjust the dish. Ask a local
satellite specialist for advice.
The satellite dish is too small
Trees or buildings are blocking
the path.
Change to a larger dish.
Change the position of the dish.
Scrambled service message in
The channel is scrambled. Select an alternative channel.
Use CAM module with smartcard
with rights to watch this channel
No internet connection/activities Make sure the wireless network
is connected and the security
key for the encrypted network
is correct.
Make sure you select the correct
IP address settings.
Your TV cannot display the entire
Set the screen ratio on your TV as
automatic or change the screen
size in the system menu.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Strong SRT 32HB5203

Strong SRT 32HB5203 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

Strong SRT 32HB5203 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

Strong SRT 32HB5203 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 32 pagina's

Strong SRT 32HB5203 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 23 pagina's

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