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9MS 341, MS 361, MS 361 C
English / USA
Important Adjustments
To reduce the risk of personal injury from
loss of control and/or contact with the
running cutting tool, do not use your unit
with incorrect idle adjustment. At correct
idle speed, the cutting tool should not
move. For directions on how to adjust
idle speed, see the appropriate section
of your instruction manual.
If you cannot set the correct idle speed,
have your STIHL dealer check your
power tool and make proper
adjustments and repairs.
During Operation
Holding and controlling the power
Always hold the unit firmly with both
hands on the handles while you are
working. Wrap your fingers and thumbs
around the handles.
Your right hand should grip the rear
handle. This also applies to left-handers.
With your hands in this position, you can
best oppose and absorb the push, pull
and kickback forces of your saw without
losing control (see section on reactive
To reduce the risk
of serious or fatal
injury to the
operator or
bystanders from
loss of control, never use the saw with
one hand. It is more difficult for you to
control reactive forces and to prevent
the bar and chain from skating or
bouncing along the limb or log. Even for
those compact saws designed for use in
confined spaces, one-handed operation
is dangerous because the operator may
lose control.
To reduce the risk of cut injuries, keep
hands and feet away from the cutting
tool. Never touch a moving cutting tool
with your hand or any other part of your
Keep proper footing and balance at all
times. Special care must be taken in
slippery conditions (wet ground, snow)
and in difficult, overgrown terrain. Watch
for hidden obstacles such as tree
stumps, roots, rocks, holes and ditches
to avoid stumbling. There is increased
danger of slipping on freshly debarked
logs. For better footing, clear away fallen
branches, scrub and cuttings. Be
extremely cautious when working on
slopes or uneven ground.
Take extreme care in wet and freezing
weather (rain, snow, ice). Put off the
work when the weather is windy, stormy
or rainfall is heavy.
001BA087 LÄ

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Andere handleiding(en) van Stihl MS361

Stihl MS361 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 200 pagina's

Stihl MS361 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 134 pagina's

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