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English / USA
MS 341, MS 361, MS 361 C
Your STIHL power tool uses an oil-
gasoline mixture for fuel (see the chap-
ter on “Fuel” of your instruction manual).
Gasoline is an extremely
flammable fuel. If spilled
and ignited by a spark or
other ignition source, it
can cause fire and serious
burn injury or property
damage. Use extreme caution when
handling gasoline or fuel mix.
Do not smoke or bring any fire or flame
near the fuel or the power tool. Note that
combustible fuel vapor may escape from
the fuel system.
Fueling Instructions
Fuel your power tool in well-ventilated
areas, outdoors. Always shut off the
engine and allow it to cool before
refueling. Gasoline vapor pressure may
build up inside the fuel tank depending
on the fuel used, the weather conditions
and the tank venting system.
In order to reduce the risk of burns and
other personal injury from escaping gas
vapor and fumes, remove the fuel filler
cap on your power tool carefully so as to
allow any pressure build-up in the tank
to release slowly. Never remove the fuel
filler cap while the engine is running.
Select bare ground for fueling and move
at least 10 feet (3 m) from the fueling
spot before starting the engine. Wipe off
any spilled fuel before starting your
Check for fuel leakage while refueling
and during operation. If fuel leakage is
found, do not start or run the engine until
the leak is fixed and any spilled fuel has
been wiped away. Take care not to get
fuel on your clothing. If this happens,
change your clothing immediately.
Different models may be equipped with
different fuel caps.
Cap with grip
In order to reduce the risk of fuel spillage
and fire from an improperly tightened
fuel cap, correctly position and tighten
the fuel cap in the fuel tank opening.
To do this with this STIHL
cap, raise the grip on the
top of the cap until it is
upright at a 90° angle.
Insert the cap in the fuel
tank opening with the
triangular marks on the grip of the cap
and on the fuel tank opening lining up.
Using the grip, turn the cap firmly
clockwise as far as it will go (approx. a
quarter turn).
Fold the grip flush with the
top of the cap. If the grip
does not lie completely
flush with the cap and the
detent on the grip does
not fit in the
corresponding recess in the filler
opening, the cap is not properly seated
and tightened and you must repeat the
above steps.
Screw cap
Unit vibrations can cause an improperly
tightened fuel filler cap to loosen or
come off and spill quantities of fuel. In
order to reduce the risk of fuel spillage
and fire, tighten the fuel filler cap by
hand as securely as possible.
The screwdriver end of
the STIHL combination
wrench or other similar
tool can be used as an aid
in tightening slotted fuel
filler caps.
See "Fueling" chapter in your instruction

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Andere handleiding(en) van Stihl MS361

Stihl MS361 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 200 pagina's

Stihl MS361 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 134 pagina's

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