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English / USA
MS 341, MS 361, MS 361 C
All the pictograms attached to the
machine are shown and explained in
this manual.
The operating and handling instructions
are supported by illustrations.
Symbols in text
The individual steps or procedures
described in the manual may be marked
in different ways:
: A bullet marks a step or procedure
without direct reference to an
A description of a step or procedure that
refers directly to an illustration may
contain item numbers that appear in the
Loosen the screw (1)
Lever (2) ...
In addition to the operating instructions,
this manual may contain paragraphs
that require your special attention. Such
paragraphs are marked with the
symbols described below:
Warning where there is a risk of an
accident or personal injury or
serious damage to property.
Caution where there is a risk of
damaging the machine or its
individual components.
Note or hint which is not essential
for using the machine, but may
improve the operator’s under-
standing of the situation and result
in better use of the machine.
Note or hint on correct procedure in
order to avoid damage to the
Equipment and features
This instruction manual may refer to
several models with different
features. Components that are not
installed on all models and related
applications are marked with an
asterisk (*). Such components may
be available as special accessories
from your STIHL dealer.
Engineering improvements
STIHL’s philosophy is to continually
improve all of its products. As a result,
engineering changes and improvements
are made from time to time. If the
operating characteristics or the
appearance of your machine differ from
those described in this manual, please
contact your STIHL dealer for
Therefore some changes, modifications
and improvements may not be covered
in this manual.
Guide to Using this Manual

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Andere handleiding(en) van Stihl MS361

Stihl MS361 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 200 pagina's

Stihl MS361 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 134 pagina's

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