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HSA 65, HSA 85
Before Starting Work
Check that your power tool is properly
assembled and in good condition – refer
to appropriate chapters in the instruction
The trigger switch and switch lever
must move freely – switches must
return to the idle position when they
are released.
Cutting blades securely mounted
and in good condition (clean, move
freely, not warped), properly
sharpened and thoroughly sprayed
with STIHL resin solvent.
Check cutter guard (if fitted) for
Never attempt to modify the controls
or the safety devices in any way.
Keep the handles dry and clean –
free from oil and dirt – for safe
control of the power tool.
Check contacts in battery
compartment for foreign matter.
Fit the battery correctly – it must
engage audibly.
Never use defective or deformed
To reduce the risk of accidents and
personal injury, do not operate your
power tool if it is not properly assembled
and in good condition.
Holding and Controlling the Power
Always hold the unit firmly with both
hands on the handles. Wrap your fingers
and thumbs around the handles.
Right hand on the control handle and left
hand on the loop handle.
Left hand on the control handle and right
hand on the loop handle.
Make sure you have firm and secure
footing and hold the unit so that the
cutting blades are always away from
your body.
During Operation
In case of imminent danger or in an
emergency, switch off the motor
immediately – release the trigger switch
and/or switch lever – and remove the
Check that there are no bystanders in
the general work area.
Watch the cutting blades at all times
do not cut areas of the hedge that you
cannot see.
Be extremely careful when cutting tall
hedges, check the other side of the
hedge before starting work.
Do not leave the machine outdoors in
the rain.
Your power tool is equipped with a
system designed to quickly stop the
cutting blades – they come to an
immediate standstill as soon as you
release the trigger and/or the switch
lever on the loop handle.
Check this function at regular short
intervals. To reduce the risk of injury,
do not operate your power tool if the
cutting blades continue to run. Contact
your servicing dealer.
Take special care in slippery conditions,
on slopes or uneven ground.
Clear away fallen branches, scrub and
3901BA002 KN3901BA003 KN
The drive motor is not
waterproof. Never work
with the power tool in the
rain or in wet or very
damp locations.

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