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HSA 65, HSA 85
All the pictograms attached to the
machine are shown and explained in this
Symbols in text
Engineering improvements
STIHL's philosophy is to continually
improve all of its products. For this
reason we may modify the design,
engineering and appearance of our
products periodically.
Therefore, some changes, modifications
and improvements may not be covered
in this manual.
Observe all applicable local safety
regulations, standards and ordinances.
If you have not used this power tool
model before: Have your dealer or other
experienced user show you how to
operate your power tool or attend a
special course in its operation.
Minors should never be allowed to use
the power tool.
Keep bystanders, especially children,
and animals away from the work area.
When the power tool is not in use, shut it
off so that it does not endanger others.
Secure it against unauthorized use. To
do this, remove the battery from the
power tool.
The user is responsible for avoiding
injury to third parties or damage to their
Do not lend or rent your power tool
without the instruction manual. Be sure
that anyone using it understands the
information contained in this manual.
The use of noise emitting power tools
may be restricted to certain times by
national or local regulations.
To operate the power tool you must be
rested, in good physical condition and
mental health.
If you have any condition that might be
aggravated by strenuous work, check
with your doctor before operating a
power tool.
Do not operate the power tool if you are
under the influence of any substance
(drugs, alcohol) which might impair
vision, dexterity or judgment.
Use your hedge trimmer only for cutting
hedges, shrubs, scrub and similar
It must not be used for any other
purpose because of the increased risk of
accidents and damage to the unit. Never
attempt to modify your power tool in any
way since this may result in accidents or
damage to the machine.
Always remove the battery before
transporting, storing or carrying out any
work on the power tool. This avoids the
risk of the motor starting unintentionally.
Only use cutting blades and accessories
that are explicity approved for this power
tool by STIHL or are technically
identical. If you have any questions in
this respect, consult a servicing dealer.
Use only high quality parts and
accessories in order to avoid the risk of
accidents and damage to the machine.
Guide to Using this Manual
Warning where there is a risk of
an accident or personal injury or
serious damage to property.
Caution where there is a risk of
damaging the machine or its
individual components.
Safety Precautions and
Working Techniques
Some special safety pre-
cautions must be
observed when working
with this power tool
because it has very sharp
cutting blades and is
powered by electricity.
It is important you read
and understand the
instruction manual before
using your power tool for
the first time and keep
the manual in a safe
place for future refer-
ence. Non-observance of
the safety precautions
may result in serious or
even fatal injury.

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