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HL 94
Manufacturer's Warranty Coverage
In the U.S., 1997 and later model year
small off-road equipment engines are
warranted for two years. If any emission-
related part on your engine is defective,
the part will be repaired or replaced by
STIHL Incorporated free of charge.
Owner's Warranty Responsibilities
As the small off-road equipment engine
owner, you are responsible for the
performance of the required
maintenance listed in your instruction
manual. STIHL Incorporated
recommends that you retain all receipts
covering maintenance on your small off-
road equipment engine, but STIHL
Incorporated cannot deny warranty
solely for the lack of receipts or for your
failure to ensure the performance of all
scheduled maintenance.
Any replacement part or service that is
equivalent in performance and durability
may be used in non-warranty
maintenance or repairs, and shall not
reduce the warranty obligations of the
engine manufacturer.
As the small off-road equipment engine
owner, you should be aware, however,
that STIHL Incorporated may deny you
warranty coverage if your small off-road
equipment engine or a part has failed
due to abuse, neglect, improper
maintenance or unapproved
You are responsible for presenting your
small off-road equipment engine to a
STIHL service center as soon as a
problem exists. The warranty repairs will
be completed in a reasonable amount of
time, not to exceed 30 days.
If you have any questions regarding your
warranty rights and responsibilities,
please contact a STIHL customer
service representative at 1-800-467-
8445 or you can write to
536 Viking Drive, P.O. Box 2015,
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-2015
Coverage by STIHL Incorporated
STIHL Incorporated warrants to the
ultimate purchaser and each
subsequent purchaser that your small
off-road equipment engine will be
designed, built and equipped, at the time
of sale, to meet all applicable
regulations. STIHL Incorporated also
warrants to the initial purchaser and
each subsequent purchaser that your
engine is free from defects in materials
and workmanship which cause the
engine to fail to conform with applicable
regulations for a period of two years.
Warranty Period
The warranty period will begin on the
date the utility equipment engine is
purchased by the initial purchaser.
If any emission-related part on your
engine is defective, the part will be
replaced by STIHL Incorporated at no
cost to the owner. Any warranted part
which is not scheduled for replacement
as required maintenance, or which is
scheduled only for regular inspection to
the effect of "repair or replace as
necessary" will be warranted for the
warranty period. Any warranted part
which is scheduled for replacement as
required maintenance will be warranted
for the period of time up to the first
scheduled replacement point for that
You, as the owner, shall not be charged
for diagnostic labor which leads to the
determination that a warranted part is
defective. However, if you claim
warranty for a component and the
machine is tested as non-defective,
STIHL Incorporated will charge you for
the cost of the emission test. Mechanical
diagnostic work will be performed at an
authorized STIHL servicing dealer.
Emission test may be performed either
at STIHL Incorporated or at any
independent test laboratory.
Warranty Work
STIHL Incorporated shall remedy
warranty defects at any authorized
STIHL servicing dealer or warranty
station. Any such work shall be free of
charge to the owner if it is determined
that a warranted part is defective.
Any manufacturer-approved or
equivalent replacement part may be
used for any warranty maintenance or
repairs on emission-related parts and
must be provided without charge to the
owner. STIHL Incorporated is liable for
damages to other engine components
caused by the failure of a warranted part
still under warranty.
The following list specifically defines the
emission-related warranted parts:
Air Filter
Carburetor (if applicable)
Fuel Pump

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Andere handleiding(en) van Stihl HL94

Stihl HL94 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 128 pagina's

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