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HL 94
The cutter blades continue to move for a
short period after the throttle trigger is
released (flywheel effect).
Accelerating the engine while the blades
are blocked increases the load and will
cause the clutch to slip continuously.
This may result in overheating and
damage to important components (e.g.
clutch, polymer housing components) –
which can then increase the risk of injury
from the blades moving while the engine
is idling.
On units with an adjustable cutter bar:
To reduce the risk of injury, never touch
the blades while making adjustments.
The power tool
has a large range.
In order to reduce
the risk of
personal or even
fatal injury to
bystanders from falling objects or
inadvertent contact with the moving
cutter blades of your power tool always
keep bystanders at least 17 feet (5 m)
away when the power tool is running.
Stop the engine and cutting tool
immediately if you are approached.
Before you start work, examine the
hedge area for stones, fence wire, metal
or other solid objects which could
damage the cutter blades.
Take particular care when cutting
hedges next to or against wire fences.
Do not touch the wire with the cutting
blades. When working close to the
ground, make sure that no sand, grit or
stones get between the cutter blades.
Striking solid foreign objects such as
stones, fence wire or metal could
damage the cutting attachment and may
cause blades to crack, chip or break.
STIHL does not recommend the use of
your power tool when cutting in areas
where the blades could contact such
Observe the cutting blades at all times –
do not cut any areas of the hedge that
you cannot see. When cutting the top of
a taller hedge, check the other side of
the hedge frequently for bystanders,
animals and obstructions.
If the cutting tool becomes clogged or
stuck, always turn off the engine and
make sure the cutting tool has stopped
before cleaning. Grass, weeds, etc.
should be cleaned off the cutting tool at
regular intervals.
Check the cutting blades at regular short
intervals during operation, or
immediately if there is a noticeable
change in cutting behavior:
Shut off the engine.
Wait until the cutting blades have
come to a complete standstill.
Check condition and tightness, look
for cracks.
Check sharpness.
Replace damaged or dull cutting
tools immediately, even if they have
only superficial cracks.
Never modify your muffler. Any
modification could cause an increase in
heat radiation, sparks or sound level,
thereby increasing the risk of fire, burn
injury or hearing loss. You may also
permanently damage the engine. Have
your muffler serviced and repaired by
your STIHL servicing dealer only.
The muffler and other parts of the engine
(e.g. fins of the cylinder, spark plug)
become hot during operation and remain
hot for a while after stopping the engine.
To reduce risk of burns, do not touch the
muffler and other parts while they are
5m (17ft)
Your power tool is not
insulated against electric
shock. To reduce the risk
of electrocution, never
operate this power tool in
the vicinity of any wires or
cables (power, etc.)
which may be carrying
electric current.
The gearbox becomes
hot during operation. To
reduce the risk of burn
injury, do not touch the
gear housing when it is

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Andere handleiding(en) van Stihl HL94

Stihl HL94 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 128 pagina's

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