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HL 94
See also the "Fueling" chapter in your
Instruction Manual for additional
Before Starting
Always check your power tool for proper
condition and operation before starting,
particularly the throttle trigger, throttle
trigger lockout, throttle set wheel, stop
switch and cutting tool. The throttle
trigger must move freely and always
spring back to the idle position. Never
attempt to modify the controls or safety
Check fuel system for leaks, especially
the visible parts, e.g., filler cap, hose
connections, manual fuel pump (only for
power tools equipped with a manual fuel
pump). Do not start the engine if there
are leaks or damage – risk of fire! Have
the machine repaired by a servicing
dealer before using it.
Never operate your power tool if it is
damaged, improperly adjusted or
maintained, or not completely or
securely assembled.
Check that the spark plug boot is
securely mounted on the spark plug – a
loose boot may cause arcing that could
ignite combustible fumes and cause a
Keep the handles clean and dry at all
times; it is particularly important to keep
them free of moisture, pitch, oil, grease
or resin in order for you to maintain a firm
grip and properly control your power
The cutting tool must be properly
tightened and in safe operating
condition. Inspect for loose parts (nuts,
screws, etc.) and for cracked, bent,
warped or damaged blades. Regularly
check the condition and tightness of the
cutter blades – with the engine stopped!
Replace damaged cutter blades before
using the power tool. Always keep
blades sharp.
STIHL recommends that you always
spray the cutter blades with STIHL resin
solvent before starting work – with the
engine stopped! You can obtain this
protective spray from your dealer. Apply
Adjust carrying harness and hand grip to
suit your size before starting work.
On machines with an adjustable cutter
bar: Secure the cutter bar in the starting
position as described in the chapter
"Starting/Stopping the Engine." If this
starting position is not the desired
cutting position, you will then need to
carefully adjust the machine to the
desired position once the engine has
returned to idle and the blades are no
longer moving.
On machines with a defined transport
position (cutter bar folded against the
drive tube): Never start the machine in
the transport position, since the blades
are not engaged in that position and you
therefore cannot visually check to see
that they will be stopped at idle when
you start to adjust the cutter bar to the
desired cutting position (where the
blades are engaged).
Start the engine at least 10 feet (3 m)
from the fueling spot, outdoors only.
Unit vibrations can cause
an improperly tightened
fuel filler cap to loosen or
come off and spill quanti-
ties of fuel. In order to
reduce the risk of fuel
spillage and fire, tighten
the fuel filler cap by hand
as securely as possible.

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Stihl HL94 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 128 pagina's

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