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HL 94
The meanings of the pictograms
attached to or embossed on the
machine are explained in this manual.
Depending on the model concerned, the
following pictograms may be on your
Symbols in Text
Many operating and safety instructions
are supported by illustrations.
The individual steps or procedures
described in the manual may be marked
in different ways:
N A bullet marks a step or procedure.
A description of a step or procedure that
refers directly to an illustration may
contain item numbers that appear in the
illustration. Example:
N Loosen the screw (1).
N Lever (2) ...
In addition to the operating instructions,
this manual may contain paragraphs
that require your special attention. Such
paragraphs are marked with the
symbols and signal words described
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if
not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if
not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a risk of property damage,
including damage to the machine or its
individual components.
Engineering Improvements
STIHL’s philosophy is to continually
improve all of its products. As a result,
engineering changes and improvements
are made from time to time. Therefore,
some changes, modifications and
improvements may not be covered in
this manual. If the operating
characteristics or the appearance of
your machine differs from those
described in this manual, please contact
your STIHL dealer or the STIHL
distributor for your area for assistance.
Have your STIHL dealer show you how
to operate your power tool. Observe all
applicable local safety regulations,
standards and ordinances.
Do not lend or rent your power tool
without the instruction manual. Be sure
that anyone using it understands the
information contained in this manual.
The use of this machine may be
hazardous. If the cutting tool comes in
contact with your body, it will cut you.
Use your hedge trimmer only for cutting
hedges, shrubs, scrub, bushes and
similar material.
Guide to Using this Manual
Fuel tank for gasoline
and engine oil mixture
Press to operate manual
fuel pump
Filler hole for gear
Safety Precautions and
Working Techniques
Because a hedge trim-
mer is a high-speed, fast-
cutting power tool with
sharp cutting blades,
special safety precau-
tions must be observed to
reduce the risk of per-
sonal injury.
It is important that you
read, fully understand
and observe the following
safety precautions and
warnings. Read the
instruction manual and
the safety precautions
periodically. Careless or
improper use may cause
serious or fatal injury.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Stihl HL94

Stihl HL94 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 128 pagina's

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