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A full guarantee is issued against manufacturing
and material defects. The user must carefully fol-
low the instructions given in the enclosed docu-
Guarantee period
For consumer use: two years from purchase date.
For professional use: 300 hours or three months,
whichever comes first.
For Stiga Park and Stiga Villa, it is possible to have
a one year extension to the guarantee if the condi-
tions in the service book are satisfied.
For batteries: six months from the purchase date.
The guarantee does not cover damage due to:
- neglect of the user to acquaint himself with ac-
companying documentation
- carelessness
- incorrect and non-permitted use or assembly
- the use of non-genuine spare parts
- the use of accessories not supplied or approved
by Stiga
Neither does the guarantee cover:
- wearing components such as blades, belts,
wheels and cables
- normal wear
- engine and transmission. These are covered by
the appropriate manufacturers guarantees with
separate terms and conditions.
The purchaser is covered by each country’s
national laws. The rights to which the purchaser is
entitled with the support of these laws are not
restricted by this guarantee.
The identity of the product is determined by two
1. The machine’s item and serial numbers:
2. The engine’s model, type and serial numbers:
Use these identification terms during all contact
with service workshops and when purchasing
spare parts.
As soon as possible after acquiring the machine,
the above number should be written in on the last
page of this publication.
For environmental reasons, we recommend that
particular attention is given to the following
Always use Alkylate petrol (“Environmental
Always use a funnel and/or a petrol can with
overfill protection to avoid spillage when filling
with petrol.
Do not fill the petrol tank right to the top.
Do not fill too much engine and/or transmission
oil (see user instructions for the correct
Collect up all oil during oil changes. Do not
spill any. Hand in the oil to a recycling station.
Do not discard replaced oil filters with normal
rubbish. Hand them in to a recycling station.
Do not discard replaced lead batteries with
normal rubbish. Hand in to a battery collection
point for recycling.
Replace the silencer if it is broken. Always use
original spare parts when carrying out repairs.
If the machine was originally equipped with a
catalytic converter and this is broken, a new
catalytic converter must be installed after
removing the old one.
Always get a specialist to adjust the carburettor
if necessary.
Clean the air filter according to the instructions
given (see user instructions).
Check the insurance for your new ride-on
lawnmower. Contact your insurance company.
You ought to have fully comprehensive insurance
for traffic, fire, damage and theft.
GGP reserves the right to make alterations to the
product without prior notification.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Stiga READY

Stiga READY Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français - 36 pagina's

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