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2000-04-06 2
Workshop Manual Stiga Park
1.1 General information,
safety instructions
This manual has been written primarily for
trained mechanics working in a well-equip-
ped workshop. Nevertheless, the manual
contains such detailed information that it
can also be of use to owners who wish to
carry out simple service and repairs on
their machine.
A basic knowledge of repairs, tools and
repair instructions is, however, always a
prerequisite for first-rate results.
A qualified mechanic should always be
consulted if the owner does not have suffi-
cient knowledge to carry out repairs.
During the warranty period all service must
be carried out by an Authorised Stiga Work-
shop for the warranty to be valid.
The following basic points should be obser-
ved if the machine is to function perfectly:
Follow the service schedule
Be on the alert for sudden vibrations or
abnormal noise to avoid major break-
Always use Stiga Genuine Spare Parts
Follow the descriptions in this manual
carefully. Do not take any short cuts.
How this manual is used
To make this manual easy to understand
we have divided up the machine into its
main systems and components. These
parts are now the different chapters in the
book. The chapters have the same division
and contents as the list of spare parts.
Each chapter is divided up into sections.
There is a quick-guide on the cover of this
book, which refers to the different chapters.
In each chapter there is a detailed table of
contents so that you can easily and quickly
find what you are looking for.
For example, if you are looking for informa-
tion on the Accessory Lifter you will find this
in chapter 3, Chassis and Body. On the first
page in chapter 3 there is a detailed table of
contents which refers to the correct section,
in this case section 3.1.
Always check that you are reading the right
chapter for your particular machine before
starting the repair work.
Symbols and general warnings
This symbol indicates a risk of
personal injury or damage if the instruc-
tions are not followed.
This text indicates a risk of damage to
the material or risk of unnecessarily
complicated work if the instructions are
not followed.
General information,
safety instructions
All 1.1
In spite of the
great care we have taken there may be errors in this publication.
Stiga AB cannot be made liable for incorrect or missing information.
Stiga AB reserves the right to regularly change product specifications without prior notice. All the in-
formation in this book is based on the information available at the time of production. Illustrations and
photographs may be arranged schematically, which implies that one picture may cover several mod-
els and therefore not correspond exactly with all models.

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