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dirty, change it.
5. Assemble in the reverse order.
Petroleum-based solvents such as kerosene may
not be used for cleaning the paper filter insert.
These solvents can destroy the filter.
Do not use compressed air for cleaning the paper
filter insert. The paper filter insert must not be
Clean the catalytic converter’s air filter every 3
months or after every 25 hours of operation,
whichever comes first.
1. Remove the cover by pressing in the locking
mechanism with a screwdriver etc. (fig. 18).
2. Remove the foam filter and wash it in liquid de-
tergent and water. Squeeze dry. Do not oil the fil-
3. Replace the filter and snap the cover into place.
Only use a Briggs & Stratton sparking tester to
check the spark in the sparking plug(s) (fig. 19).
Clean the spark plug after every 100 hours of oper-
ation or once a season. For replacing a spark plug,
a spark plug sleeve A and a torsion pin B are pro-
vided in the accessories bag.
The engine manufacturer recommends:
President-Comfort-Pro16-Pro20: Champion
Correct spark gap: 0.75 mm.
The engine is air-cooled. A blocked cooling sys-
tem can damage the engine. The engine should be
cleaned at least once a year or every 100 hours of
Remove the fan casing. Clean the cooling fins on
the cylinder, the fan and the rotating protective
grille. Clean more frequently if mowing dry grass.
The battery is a valve-regulated battery with 12 V
nominal voltage. The battery is completely main-
tenance free. You don’t have to check or top up the
electrolyte level.
On delivery, the battery is in the accessories box.
The battery must be fully charged be-
fore being used for the first time. The
battery should always be stored fully
charged. If the battery is stored while
totally flat it could sustain permanent
If the machine is not going to be used for an ex-
tended period (more than 1 month), the battery
should be charged, disconnected and then stored in
a cool, safe place. Charge the battery completely
before reinstalling.
The battery can be charged in two ways:
1. Via a battery charger (recommended). This must
be a charger with constant voltage. The battery
can be damaged if a standard type battery
charger (for acid batteries) is used.
Stiga recommends battery charger with item no.
1136-0602-01 which may be ordered by an au-
thorised dealer.
2. You can also allow the engine to charge the bat-
tery. In this case it is very important, above all
when starting the machine for the first time and
when it has not been used for a long time, to al-
low the engine to run continuously for at least
45 minutes.
Do not short circuit the battery’s termi-
nals. Sparks occur which can result in
fire. Do not wear metal jewellery which
can come into contact with the battery
In the event of damage to the battery
casing, cover, terminals or interference
to the strip covering the valves, the bat-
tery should be replaced.
If the battery terminals are coated with oxide, they
should be cleaned. Clean the battery terminals with
a wire brush and grease them.
The machine’s articulated steering joint has four
grease nipples that should be lubricated with uni-
versal grease after every 25 hours of operation (fig.
Note: The fourth grease nipple is not shown on the
picture. It is located on the underside, on the flexi-
ble axle’s front bearing.

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Stiga PARK PRO 16 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

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