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(Original instructions)
e. Maintain power tools. Check for misalignment or
binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any
other condition that may affect the power tools
operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired
before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly
maintained power tools.
f. Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly
maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less
likely to bind and are easier to control.
g. Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc. in
accordance with these instructions, taking into
account the working conditions and the work to be
performed. Use of the power tool for operations different
from those intended could result in a hazardous situation.
5. Battery tool use and care
a. Recharge only with the charger speci ed by the
manufacturer. A charger that is suitable for one type of
battery pack may create a risk of f re when used with
another battery pack.
b. Use power tools only with speci cally designated
battery packs. Use of any other battery packs may create
a risk of injury and f re.
c. When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from
other metal objects, like paper clips, coins, keys,
nails, screws, or other small metal objects, that can
make a connection from one terminal to another.
Shorting the battery terminals together may cause burns
or a f re.
d. Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejected from
the battery; avoid contact. If contact accidentally
occurs, ush with water. If liquid contacts eyes,
additionally seek medical help. Liquid ejected from the
battery may cause irritation or burns.
6. Service
a. Have your power tool serviced by a quali ed repair
person using only identical replacement parts. This will
ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.
Additional power tool safety warnings
Warning! Safety instructions for all saws
Cutting procedures
DANGER! Keep hands away from cutting
area and the blade. Keep your second
hand on auxiliary handle, or motor hous-
ing. If both hands are holding the saw, they
cannot be cut by the blade.
b. Do not reach underneath the workpiece. The guard
cannot protect you from the blade below the workpiece.
c. Adjust the cutting depth to the thickness of the
workpiece. Less than a full tooth of the blade teeth should
be visible below the workpiece.
d. Never hold piece being cut in your hands or across
your leg. Secure the workpiece to a stable platform. It
is important to support the work properly to minimize body
exposure, blade binding, or loss of control.
e. Hold the power tool by insulated gripping surfaces
only, when performing an operation where the cutting
tool may contact hidden wiring. Contact with a "live"
wire will also make exposed metal parts of the power tool
"live" and could give the operator an electric shock.
f. When ripping, always use a rip fence or straight edge
guide. This improves the accuracy of cut and reduces the
chance of blade binding.
g. Always use blades with correct size and shape
(diamond versus round) of arbour holes. Blades that
do not match the mounting hardware of the saw will run
eccentrically, causing loss of control.
h. Never use damaged or incorrect blade washers or
bolt. The blade washers and bolt were specially designed
for your saw, for optimum performance and safety of
Further safety instructions for all saws
Kickback causes and related warnings
kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched, bound or
misaligned saw blade, causing an uncontrolled saw to lift
up and out of the workpiece toward the operator;
when the blade is pinched or bound tightly by the kerf
closing down, the blade stalls and the motor reaction
drives the unit rapidly back toward the operator;
if the blade becomes twisted or misaligned in the cut, the
teeth at the back edge of the blade can dig into the top
surface of the wood causing the blade to climb out of the
kerf and jump back toward the operator.
Kickback is the result of saw misuse and/or incorrect operating
procedures or conditions and can be avoided by taking proper
precautions as given below.
a. Maintain a rm grip with both hands on the saw and
position your arms to resist kickback forces. Position
your body to either side of the blade, but not in line
with the blade. Kickback could cause the saw to jump
backwards, but kickback forces can be controlled by the
operator, if proper precautions are taken.
b. When blade is binding, or when interrupting a cut for
any reason, release the trigger and hold the saw
motionless in the material until the blade comes to a
complete stop. Never attempt to remove the saw from
the work or pull the saw backward while the blade is
in motion or kickback may occur. Investigate and take
corrective actions to eliminate the cause of blade binding.

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