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1. (Mic) INPUT: This is a balanced XLR input for connecting a dynamic microphone. This can be a vocal mic
to sing into while you play, or alternatively an instrument mic to amplify an all-acoustic instrument that does not
feature an onboard preamp system. You may also use this input to connect an electro-acoustic instrument with
a balanced output signal.
2. (Mic) LEVEL: This control determines the output level of the sound picked up by a microphone, if one is used.
3. (Instrument) INPUT: This is a 1/4” 6.3 mm) input jack socket for plugging in an electro-acoustic
instrument. We recommend that you always use a high-quality shielded guitar cable to prevent any background
noise interference or unwanted feedback.
4. (Instrument) LEVEL: This control determines the output level of any instrument plugged into the amplier
via the instrument input jack.
5. PASSIVE/ACTIVE SWITCH: This switch enables the user to choose between passive and active modes
according to whether the instrument connected is passive (without preamp) or active (with preamp).
6. TREBLE: This control determines the level of high frequencies in the output signal. Adding TREBLE will make
your sound brighter and sharper.
7. MID: This control determines the level of middle frequencies in the output signal. Adding MID will make your
sound rounder and fuller.
8. PARAMETRIC MID: This control allows you to ne tune your sound by cutting or boosting the mid frequency
parameters of the output signal. At a low level, the PARAMETRIC MID control will emphasize the lower mids,
while increasing the level will bring out the upper mids. The PARAMETRIC MID control can help you explore a
wide variety of different guitar tones.
9. BASS: This control determines the level of low frequencies in the output signal. Adding BASS will make your
sound warmer and heavier.
10. SPRING REVERB: This is the reverb intensity control. This controls the amount of reverb that is added
back to the original dry signal. Adding REVERB will produce a reverberation effect in your instrument sound, as
though you were playing in a large hall. A little can go a long way in adding that special depth to your sound. If
engaged, the reverb is always active in both microphone and instrument channels.
11. CD/MP3 INPUT (L + R): These are line level, RCA phone sockets (Right + Left) into which a stereo MP3/
CD/Tape player may be connected.
12. PHONES: This is a 1/4” (Ø 6.3 mm) stereo jack output to connect the headphones. When headphones are
connected, no sound is produced from the speaker.
13. POWER LED: When this red LED is lit, the amplier is ready to work. When it is off, it means the amplier
is powered off.
1 DC 12V/ 800mA INPUT: This is the input socket into which the 12V DC cable of a mains power adaptor can
be plugged if you wish to recharge the built in 12V DC battery, or power your amplier from the mains network.
CAUTION: Use only the included AC adaptor to avoid damaging the amplier or generating any other problems.
Please check that the supply voltage details mentioned on the mains power adaptor are in accordance with your
electricity supply.
2 POWER SWITCH: This switch turns the amplier on or off, either on battery operation or with the amplier
connected to the proper AC outlet through the mains adaptor (included).
Max. Rated Power Loudspeaker 12 Watts RMS @ 4 Ohms load/ 6.5" Twin Cone Speaker
Frequency Response 65 Hz to 18 kHz
Total Harmonic Distortion 3.5 %
Signal to Noise Ratio -64 dB @ max Rated Power
Input Impedance
180k Ohms
Power Consumption
22 Watts Max (w/ fully charged battery)
Maximum Input Level
56 mV (RMS)
Maximum Gain
60 dB (@ 1kHz)
Dimensions (H x W x D)
37 x 40.5 x 20 cm / 14.6 x 16 x 7.9 in.
9.2 kg / 20.3 lbs
Type FP 1223, 12V 2.3 Ah/ 20Hr, rechargeable lead battery
Size (L x W x H) 176 x 35 x 61 mm / 7.01 x 1.38 x 2.40 in
Weight (approx) 970 g / 2.13 lbs
AC 230 – 240 V/ 100 mA to DC 12 V/ 800 mA/ 9.6 VA
Size (L x W x H) 81 x 56 x 49 mm / 3.19 x 2.20 x 1.93 in
Weight (approx) 500 g / 1.10 lbs
Features and Specications are subject to change without notice.
Connect your instrument to the input socket of the amplier with a suitable guitar lead (this lead is not supplied
with the amplier, but is normally supplied with the instrument). You may also plug a microphone into the XLR
input provided. If connecting a microphone, please ensure that the volume level is set low before turning on
the amplier, as feedback can otherwise result, possibly causing damage to the speaker. Finally, press the Power
Switch to the ON position. The power LED will glow and your amplier is ready for use.
WARNING: This amplier works on both battery and AC outlet. When using the built in, rechargeable 12V
DC BATTERY only, the unit can function for about 15 hours of continuous use (expected), depending on the
actual operating conditions. When using the AC adaptor, operation will continue in the event of AC line voltage
interruption (power blackout or power plug disconnection) thanks to the battery mounted in the unit.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Stagg MOB 20

Stagg MOB 20 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Stagg MOB 20 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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