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1) INPUT - Plug your bass in here. We recommend that you always use a high-quality shielded cable to
prevent any background noise interference or unwanted feedback.
2) VOLUME - This control determines the level of the input signal going into the amplier.
3) PASSIVE/ACTIVE - When released (or off), this selector switches the INPUT of the amplier to a high
impedance (sensitivity) circuit, suitable for basses with PASSIVE electronics. When pushed in (or on), it
connects the INPUT to a low impedance (sensitivity) circuit, suitable for use with ACTIVE basses.
4) TREBLE - This control determines the level of high frequencies in the output signal. Adding TREBLE will
make your bass sound brighter and sharper.
5) MID - This control determines the level of middle frequencies in the output signal. Adding MID will
make your bass sound rounder and fuller.
6) BASS - This control determines the level of low frequencies in the output signal. Adding BASS will make
your bass sound warmer and heavier.
7) COMPRESSION - This control reduces the dynamic range of the output signal and evens out the
changes in volume that occur according to how hard you play your instrument. Adding COMPRESSION will
make your bass sound smoother and clearer.
8) MASTER - This controls the overall listening level of the amplier. Adjust it to your preferred level.
9) CD/MP3 INPUT - This is a line level 1/4" (Ø 6.3 mm) stereo jack into which an MP3/CD/Tape player
may be connected.
10) EFX SEND - This amplier is equipped with an effects loop which allows you to plug effects between
the preamp and the power amp. The EFX SEND jack is a line level 1/4" (Ø 6.3 mm) output jack into which
you may connect one or several outboard effects, eg Flanger, Delay, Chorus etc. The EFX SEND should be
connected to the input jack of the rst effect in your chain.
11) EFX RETURN - This is a line level 1/4" 6.3 mm) input jack into which you should connect the
output jack of the last effect in your chain. The effects loop may also be used with a multi-effects rack
system, or with a single effect.
12) BALANCED OUT - This front panel XLR socket drives a post E.Q, post effects, balanced output signal
for connecting directly to one of the Balanced Microphone inputs of a mixing console.
13) POWER LED - When this red LED is lit, the amplier is ready to work. When it is off, it means the
amplier is powered off.
Features and Specications are subject to change without notice.
2 3
500 BAH - 500 BA115 500 BAH - 500 BA115
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
STAGG 500 BAH & STAGG 500 BA115
STAGG 500 BAH & STAGG 500 BA115
1 2 4 5 5 53
500 BAH 500 BA115
This amplier must be earthed. Please check that the supply voltage details given on the rating label
(located on the rear panel) are in accordance with your electricity supply.
1 POWER SWITCH - This switch turns the amplier on or off.
2 POWER FUSE - In the event of the power fuse having to be replaced, rst unplug the power cable from
the mains outlet. Then remove the fuse cover and replace the power fuse with one of the same type and
value. Never plug the power cable back into the mains outlet without the fuse cover. When powering on
the amplier, if the power fuse blows up again, go to a suitable service centre for repair.
3 MAINS INPUT - This is the input socket into which the mains power cable must be connected. This
amplier is supplied with a power cable with a moulded-on plug. If the socket outlets in the home are
not suitable for the plug supplied with this amplier, use an appropriate plug adapter that can handle the
power required for this amplier.
4 VOLTAGE SELECT - This switch selects the chosen voltage level between 110-120VAC and 220-
240VAC as appropriate. This switch may be accessed by unscrewing the safety cover. Always make sure
that the selected voltage level is in accordance with your electricity supply.
5 SPEAKER OUT - The 500 BAH head features two external speaker sockets to connect one (or two)
external Speaker Cabinet(s) providing the total load impedance is not lower than 8 Ohms, while the 500
BA115 combo allows you to plug one external Speaker Cabinet only with a minimum load impedance of 16
Ohms, i.e: Stagg 300 BC115 (1x 15”) and Stagg 300 BC410 (4x 10”), 300W RMS/16Ω Speaker Cabinets
for bass ampliers.
Description 500W Bass Amp Head
500W Bass Combo
and 1x 15" Speaker
Max. Rated Power 500 Watts RMS @ 8 Ohms 500 Watts RMS @ 8 Ohms
Speakers (N * Ø/ P/ Z) 1 x 15"/ 300W/ 16 Ohms
External Speaker Out 2 x SPK 1 x SPK
Minimum Load 8 Ohms 16 Ohms
Frequency Response 40 Hz to 20 kHz 40 Hz to 20 kHz
Total Harmonic Distortion 0.5% 0.5%
Signal to Noise Ratio - 68 dB @ max Rated Power - 68 dB @ max Rated Power
Input Impedance 220k Ohms 220k Ohms
Power Consumption 900 Watts max 900 Watts max
Maximum Input Level 45 mV RMS 45 mV RMS
Maximum Gain 47 dB @ 1 kHz 47 dB @ 1 kHz
Dimensions (H x L x P) 23.5 x 73 x 38 cm 72.5 x 73.5 x 38 cm w/o casters
Dimensions (H x W x D) 9.2 x 28.7 x 15 in 28.5 x 28.9 x 12.2 in w/o casters
Weight 29.5 kg / 65.0 lb 55.3 kg/ 121.9 lb

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Andere handleiding(en) van Stagg 500 BA115

Stagg 500 BA115 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Stagg 500 BA115 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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