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Basic precautions should always be followed, including the following safety
instructions when using the speedbike: Read all instructions before using this equip-
1. The device is intended exclusively for home use and not for commercial purposes.
2. Place and use the device on a dry, even and non-slip surface with at least 2.5 meters space
around it.
3. DO NOT place any sharp objects around the speed bike.
4. To protect the floor or carpet from damage or discoloration, place a special floor mat under the
5. Keep children and pets away from the speed bike at all times. DO NOT leave unattended children
in the same room with the machine.
6. Handicapped or disabled persons should not use the speed bike without the presence of a
qualified health professional or physician.
7. If the user experiences dizziness, nausea, chest pain, or any other abnormal symptoms,
8. Position the speed bike on a clear, level surface away from water and moisture.
Place mat under the unit to help keep the machine stable and to protect the floor.
9. Use the speed bike only for its intended use as described in this manual.
DO NOT use any other accessories not recommended by the manufacturer.
10. Assemble the machine exactly as the descriptions in the instruction manual.
11. Check all bolts and other connections before using the machine for the first time
and ensure that the trainer is in the safe condition.
12. Hold a routine inspection of the equipment. Pay special attention to components which are
the most susceptible to wear off, i.e. connecting points and wheels. The defective components
should be replaced immediately. The safety level of this equipment can only be maintained by
doing so. Please don‘t use the Speed Bike until it is repaired well.
WARNING: Before beginning any exercise program consult your physician.
This is especially important for people who are over 35 years old or who have
pre-existing health problems. Read all instructions before using any fitness equipment.
Do not operate this exercise equipment without properly fitted guards, as the moving
parts can present a risk of serious injury if exposed.

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