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Infrared Receivers
can sense
objects around him.
Head Touch Button
Press down on
Zoomer’s head
to make him
listen to you.
Rear Touch Button
Press Zoomer’s back to make
him do a random trick.
Voice Sensor
can hear your voice commands
from 30.48 cm - 91 cm (1-3 ft) away.
1 USB Charging Cable
1 Reference Guide
1 Instruction Booklet
1 Zoomer
Contains 1 x 3.7V LiPo battery. Batteries or battery packs must be
recycled or disposed of properly. When this product has reached the end
of its useful life it should not be disposed of with other household waste.
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations require it to
be separately collected so that it can be treated using the best available recovery and
recycling techniques. This will minimize the impact on the environment and human health
from soil and water contamination by any hazardous substances, decrease the resources
required to make new products and avoid using up landfill space. Please do your part by
keeping this product out of the municipal waste stream! The “wheelie bin” symbol means that
it should be collected as “waste electrical and electronic equipment”. You can return an old
product to your retailer when you buy a similar new one. For other options, please contact
your local council.
Note: - Under the environment with electrostatic discharge, the toy may malfunction and require
user to reset the toy. To reset product, turn it completely off, then turn it back on. If normal operation
does not resume, move the product to another location and try again. To ensure normal
performance, recharge the batteries, as low batteries may not allow full function.
Your ZOOMER™ is equipped with a Lithium Polymer battery. SPECIAL LiPo BATTERY
INSTRUCTIONS: Never charge battery unattended. - Charge battery in an isolated area. Keep away
from flammable materials. - Do not expose to direct sunlight. - There is a risk of the batteries
exploding, overheating, or igniting. Do not disassemble, modify, heat, or short circuit the batteries.
Do not place them in fires or leave them in hot places. - Do not drop or subject to strong impacts. -
Do not allow the batteries to get wet. - Only charge the batteries with the specified Spin Master USB
cable. - Only use the batteries in the device specified by Spin Master™. - Carefully read the
instruction guide and use the batteries correctly. - In the unlikely event of leakage or explosion use
sand or a chemical fire extinguisher for the battery. - Batteries must be recycled or disposed of
PRODUCT BATTERY REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS: Internal battery is factory installed, product
disassembly and battery removal must be performed by an adult. Do not puncture, cut, tear,
compress or deform product during disassembly. Ensure product is turned off, then use a screw
driver to remove all screws. Separate product body halves to expose internal electronics. When
battery is visible in its entirety use scissors to cut a single battery wire, immediately wrap the cut wire
end with tape to isolate it, repeat until all battery wires are cut and isolated, and the battery is free
from the rest of the product. Dispose of battery in accordance with your local battery recycling or
disposal laws. NOTE: Opening of product and/or removal of battery will render product inoperative
and voids manufacturer warranties, dispose of remaining product components in accordance with
local laws.
FCC Statement: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesirable
operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital
devices pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference to radio communications. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instruction, may cause harmful interference to radio communication. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this toy does cause
interference to radio or television reception (you can check this by turning the toy off and on while
listening for the interference), one or more of the following measures may be useful: • Reorient or
relocate the receiving antenna • Increase the separation between the toy and the radio or the TV •
Consult the dealer or an experienced TV-radio technician for help. NOTE: Changes, adjustments or
modifications to this unit, including but not limited to, replacement of any transmitter component
(crystal, semiconductor, etc.) could result in a violation of FCC rules under part 15 and/or 95 and
must be expressly approved by Spin Master Ltd. or they could void the user’s authority to operate
the equipment. Shielded cables must be used with this unit to ensure compliance with the Class B
FCC limits.
Please do not allow children to sleep with their new Zoomer
. To benefit the most
from your new electronic friend, please read this manual completely.
Safety Precautions: - Parental guidance is recommended. - Do not to use Zoomer™ on a table or
near stairs, only use on the floor. - Regularly examine for damage to the toy, sensors and charging
cable. In the event of any damage, remove from use. - This toy is not intended for children under 3
years old. - Keep hands, hair and loose clothing away from moving parts when power switch is turned
ON. - Turn off Zoomer
when not in use. - During play, keep Zoomer
in your sight so that you can
supervise it all the time. - Users should keep strict accordance with the instruction manual while
operating the product. - Your USB charger is tailor-made for the LiPo rechargeable battery used in
your Zoomer
. Do not use it to charge any battery other than that in the Zoomer
Care and Maintenance: - This product is intended for indoor use only. - Do not use outdoor - dirt,
grass, cement will scratch the finish and/or block the sensors. - Do not submerge the toy in water. -
Do not play around water as this is a hazard and can cause a malfunction or damage the electronic
assemblies. - Keep the sensors clean, wipe with a scratchless cloth. - Do not put any foreigh objects in
the USB port or sensors.
your REAL best friend
Small parts.
Not for children under 3 years.
For more training tips
go to zoomerpup.com

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Andere handleiding(en) van SpinMaster Zoomer

SpinMaster Zoomer Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 20 pagina's

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