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Note: Cages have been removed for clarity.
Step 4. Locate the gimbal that currently has the throttle friction engaged (mode
2 is the right gimbal from the rear). Unscrew the silver throttle tension
screw until the friction strap is no longer in contact with the friction
portion of the gimbal. The gimbal should now move freely. Now on
the opposite gimbal locate the friction strap you desire (ratcheted or
smooth). Screw in the corresponding screw until the throttle tension
starts to engage.
Note: Cages have been removed for clarity.
Note: When changing modes that require the throttle and elevator to be
moved from one side to the other (mode 1 to mode 2 for example) it is
recommended that that the elevator and throttle stick be held fully up or
down while the elevator centering screw is fully tightened or loosened.
This will reduce the load on the elevator centering mechanism making it
easier to properly adjust the centering screw.
Step 5. Locate the gimbal that currently has the elevator centering spring
engaged (mode two is the left gimbal from the rear). Using a Phillips
screwdriver, fully tighten the elevator centering screw as show below.
This disengages the elevator centering spring. Now locate the elevator
centering screw on the opposite gimbal and back this screw out until
the elevator centering lever is fully engaged.
Note: Cages have been removed for clarity.
Step 6. Throttle limiting wedges are used to limit the maximum throttle travel
for improved ergonomics. When switching modes that swap elevator
and throttle positions the throttle limiting wedges must also be moved.
Using a Phillips screwdriver, you will need to unscrew the two upper
circuit boards and move these upward to access the upper inner screw
of the cages. Now unscrew the eight Phillips screws that retain the
cages and remove the cages.
Step 7. Most pilots prefer having a throttle with less stroke as it provides a
more natural feel when giving rudder commanded (mode 2) at full
or low throttle. When changing throttle position from right to left it’s
necessary to switch the throttle limiting wedges positions. Using a
Phillips screwdriver remove the throttle limiting wedges from their
current position and reinstall them on the opposite gimbal.
Step 8. Reinstall the gimbal cages and upper circuit boards, then the back of
the transmitter. Be careful not to pinch wires or the rubber side grips.
Tighten the 6 Phillips head screws then reinstall the rear and side grips.
When making a mode conversion, the programming must also be changed and
when changing throttle elevator positions the transmitter must be recalibrated in
the systems setting screen.
Press and hold the roller while turning on the transmitter. When System Setup
appears on the screen, release the roller. The DX8 is now in System Setup Mode.
Highlight System Settings then press the roller to access the System Settings
function. The System Settings screen will appear.
To Select a Mode
In the Systems Settings screen rotate the roller to highlight Mode then press the
roller to select the Mode function.
Rotate the roller to select the desired mode then press the roller to accept the

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Andere handleiding(en) van Spektrum DX8

Spektrum DX8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 42 pagina's

Spektrum DX8 Snelstart handleiding - English - 100 pagina's

Spektrum DX8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 42 pagina's

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