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Congratulations and thank you for purchasing Soundstream products from our L.O.S.
catalog. We are confident you will enjoy your new subwoofer and appreciate the
effort involved in bringing you the best engineered and crafted subwoofer in this
We advise you to keep this manual in a safe and dry place. Write down any important
information to reference from in the future, such as all of your enclosure information.
Draw a simple diagram and write all the parameters of the enclosure incase you ever
need to reference from it in the future.
The following enclosure recommendations are only a few in variation of what the
woofer requires. If you need specific information for a design and have questions
regarding it, please contact your distributor for more information or contact Sound-
stream directly via email at tech-support@soundstream.com or by phone at
* These numbers are measured with the cosmetic rubber gasket in place. Please measure the driver
yourself for precise dimensions or if necessary with out the gasket.
Sealed Enclosure Recommendations for XPRO-10
Optimum Enclosure Other Enclosure Recommendations
MAX PowerVolume
Mounting Depth
Outer Diameter
Cutout Diameter
Driver Displacement
RMS Power
MAX Power
PEAK Power
Voice Coil
Magnet Weight
Frequency Response
Resonant Frequency
.10 cu. ft.
Dual 4 ohm
200 watts
400 watts
600 watts
60 oz.
35 - 500Hz
58.723 ltr
8.5 mm
86.8 dB
.08 cu.ft.
Dual 4 ohm
150 watts
300 watts
500 watts
45 oz.
45 - 500Hz
18.864 ltr
8.5 mm
85.6 dB
NET Volume 1 cuft / 28.3 ltrs
Enclosure Q .808
Max Power 300 watts
Fill 50% Loose
All volume suggestions are “Net Volume” before any
displacement. Please add accordingly to your design
NET Volume 1.5 cuft / 42.5 ltrs
Enclosure Q .707
Max Power 300 watts
Fill 50% Loose
All volume suggestions are “Net Volume” before any
displacement. Please add accordingly to your design
Smallest .5 cuft / 14.16 ltrs 300 watts
Largest 2 cuft / 56.6 ltrs 300 watts
MAX PowerVolume
Smallest .75 cuft / 21.2 ltrs 300 watts
Largest 3 cuft / 85 ltrs 300 watts
Sealed Enclosure Recommendations for XPRO-12
Optimum Enclosure Other Enclosure Recommendations
NET Volume 1.5 cuft / 42.5 ltrs
Vent Design 2 - 3” X 9.75”
Tuning Freq 45Hz
Max Power 300 watts
All volume suggestions are “Net Volume” before any
displacement. Please add accordingly to your design
Vented Enclosure Recommendations for XPRO-10
Optimum Enclosure
NET Volume 2 cuft / 56.6 ltrs
Vent Design 2 - 3” X 12”
Tuning Freq 36Hz
Max Power 300 watts
All volume suggestions are “Net Volume” before any
displacement. Please add accordingly to your design
Vented Enclosure Recommendations for XPRO-12
Optimum Enclosure
Wiring Configurations
There are a variety of impedance possibilities when using woofers equipped with
multiple coils. It is “EXTREMELY” important that ALL coils are used and none are left as
spares. Always provide the minimum impedance your amplifier requires. If you need
assistance with wiring configurations, please consult a professional installer or
contact our Technical Support Department with your questions.

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