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DAB950 / English Instruction Manual
When playing music, press the button on RC, then press the
PROGRAMbutton, then the following information will be displayed
on the screen.
You can choose track by RC digital key to store as P01, P02 etc. In this process, press the
PROGRAM button to go to the next channel setting. After finished setting, press the button
to finalize. In program playing back, the digital keys on RC is invalid, you can only press the
buttons to change track. Change source or press the button twice to clear program
setting. The max. channel is 20!
1. Insert the USB device USB plug into the port at the rear of the unit.
2. Press the button repeatedly on the top of the unit or press the USBbutton on the RC to
select the USB function.
3. The device´s stored music will be played automatically.
„Playing Random“ and „Program“ is the same as in CD mode
For devices with a USB cable:
1. Insert one plug of the USB cable (not supplied) to the USB
socket at the rear of the unit.
2. Insert the other plug of the USB cable to the USB output
terminal of the USB device.
USB charging (5V 1A socket only)
You can plug an USB cable in the 5V 1A USB socket to charge the mobile device.
If the USB device is corrupted, this unit will not be able to detect and play the music stored.
Format the USB mass storage device and restore the music on the device with a computer.
1. Choose the “DAB” Mode.
2. Press the “MENU” button on the RC, change with the button to „System“ and press the
button on the RC. The display shows <Factory Reset>. Then press the button again
and choose with the button <Yes>. At least press the button and the unit starts
Cleaning the unit
Ensure the unit is fully unplugged from the mains socket before cleaning.
To clean the unit, wipe the case with a slightly moist, lint-free cloth.
Do not use any cleaning fluids containing alcohol, ammonia or abrasives.
Do not spray an aerosol at or near the unit.
Handling Discs
Do not touch the playback side of the disc.
Do not attach paper or tape to the disc.

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  • hoe kan je voorkeuse zender programmeren bij de soundmaster DAB950 Gesteld op 23-7-2020 om 13:31

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      Als de posten gekozen zijn, hoe kan ik die vastleggen zodat die niet bij de minste beweging weer allemaal verdwenen zijn en ik opnieuw moet beginnen. Geantwoord op 22-4-2021 om 16:38

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Soundmaster DAB950 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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