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DSLR-A330/A380 4-137-172-11(2)
Quick Start Guide
Preparation Shooting Playback
The battery pack
1 Charge the battery pack until the
CHARGE lamp lights off.
For customers in the U.S.A. and Canada
For customers in countries/regions
other than the U.S.A. and Canada
Power cord (mains lead)
2 Insert the battery pack into the camera.
Firmly insert the battery pack all the
way while pressing the lock lever with
the tip of the battery.
The lens
1 Remove the body cap on the camera
and packaging lid on the rear of the
Do not touch inside parts.
If dust enters the camera, it may
appear on the photo image. Do not
leave the camera and lens without
the caps. When you change the lens,
do it quickly in a location free from
2 Mount the lens by aligning the index
marks as illustrated.
Turn the lens until it clicks.
Remove the lens cap during
The memory card
1 Open the memory card cover.
2 Insert a memory card and select the
type of the memory card you want to
use using the memory card switch.
Terminal part
Face side (SD memory card)
Face side (“Memory Stick PRO
Terminal part
When inserting a memory card, turn the
camera off.
For available memory cards, refer to the
Instruction Manual.
Date/time setup
1 Turn the camera on.
2 Set up the date/time.
1 Set the mode dial to AUTO.
Check that the LIVE VIEW/OVF switch is
set to “LIVE VIEW.
2 Check the subject on the LCD
Hold the grip of the
Support the lens from
3 Press the shutter button
halfway down to focus.
Pressing the shutter button halfway
down and holding it activates the
4 Press the shutter button fully
down to shoot.
Press .
To play back a previous or next image: press /
on the control button.
To return to the shooting mode:
To delete the image
Press .
To fully enjoy the features of your single lens reflex
camera, consult the “Instruction Manual.
Control button

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Sony dslr a380 18 70 mm f 3 5 5 6 55 200 mm f 4 0 5 6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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