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Camera Type
Digital Single Lens Reflex
Camera with built-in flash
and interchangeable lenses
Lens All of α Lens
[Image sensor]
Total pixel number of camera
Approx. 10 800 000 pixels
Effective pixel number of camera
Approx. 10 200 000 pixels
Image format
23.6 × 15.8mm (APS-C
format) Interlace scan
Primary Color
ISO sensitivity (Recommended
exposure index)
AUTO, 100 to 3200
[Super SteadyShot]
System Image sensor-Shift
Super SteadyShot Compensation
Approximately 2.5 to 3.5
EV decrease in shutter
speed (varies according to
shooting conditions and
lens used)
System Charge protection coating
on Low-Pass Filter and
image sensor-Shift
Type Fixed eye-level,
Focusing Screen
Spherical Acute Matte
Field of View
0.83 × with 50 mm lens at
infinity, –1 m
Eye Relief Approximately 17.6 mm
from the eyepiece,
13.5 mm from the eyepiece
frame at –1 diopter
(–1 m
Dioptor Adjustment
–2.5 to +1.0 m
[Auto Focus System]
System TTL phase-detection
system, CCD line sensors
(9 points, 8 lines with
center cross-hair sensor)
Sensitivity Range
0 to 18 EV (at ISO 100
AF illuminator
Approx. 1 to 5 m (3.3 to
16 feet)
Metering Cell
40-segment honeycomb-
pattern SPC
Metering Range
1 to 20 EV (3 to 20 EV
with Spot metering), (at
ISO 100 with F1.4 lens)
Exposure compensation
±2.0 EV (1/3 EV step)
Type Electronically-controlled,
vertical-traverse, focal-
plane type
Speed range 1/4000 second to 30
seconds, bulb, (1/3 EV
Flash sync speed
1/160 second
Flash G.No.
GN 12 (in meters at ISO
Recycling time
Approx. 4 seconds
Flash coverage
Covering 18 mm lens
(focal length that the lens
Flash compensation
±2.0 EV (1/3 EV step)
[Recording media]
CompactFlash card
(TypeI,II), Microdrive,
“Memory Stick Duo”
(With a Memory Stick Duo
Adaptor for CompactFlash
[LCD monitor]
LCD panel 6.7 cm (2.7 type) TFT
Total number of dots
230 400 (960 × 240) dots
[Power, general]
Used battery pack
Rechargeable battery pack
PictBridge Compatible
Exif Print Compatible
PRINT Image Matching III
Dimensions Approx. 130.8 × 98.5 ×
71.3 mm (5 1/4 × 4 ×
2 7/8 inches) (W/H/D,
excluding protrusions)
Mass Approx.532 g (1 lb 2.8 oz)
(without batteries, memory
card and body accessories)
Operating temperature
0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)
(When using the
Microdrive: 5 to 40°C (41
to 104°F))
Exif Exif Ver.2.21
USB communication
Hi-Speed USB (USB 2.0
BC-VM10 Battery charger
Input rating 100 V – 240 V AC, 50/60
Output rating
8.4 V DC, 750 mA
Operating temperature range
0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)
Storage temperature range
–20 to +60°C (–4 to
Maximum dimensions
Approx. 70 × 25 × 95 mm
(2 7/8 × 1 × 3 3/4 inches)
Mass Approx. 90 g (3.2 oz)
Rechargeable battery pack
Used battery
Lithium-ion battery
Maximum voltage
DC 8.4 V
Nominal voltage
DC 7.2 V
Maximum charge current
2.0 A
Maximum charge voltage
DC 8.4 V
Capacity 11.8 Wh (1 650 mAh)
Maximum dimensions
Approx. 38.2 × 20.5 × 55.6
mm (1 9/16 × 13/16 × 2 1/4
inches) (W/H/D)
Mass Approx. 78 g (2.8 oz)
Design and specifications are subject
to change without notice.

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