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To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to
rain or moisture.
To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover the ventilation of the apparatus with
newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc. And do not place lighted candles on the
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to
dripping or splashing, and do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases,
on the apparatus.
Do not install the appliance in a confined space, such as a bookcase or built-in
As the main plug is used to disconnect the unit from the mains, connect the unit
to an easily accessible AC outlet. Should you notice an abnormality in the unit,
disconnect the main plug from the AC outlet immediately.
The unit is not disconnected from the AC power source (mains) as long as it is
connected to the wall outlet, even if the unit itself has been turned off.
The nameplate and important information concerning safety are located on the
bottom exterior.
Notice for customers: the following information is only applicable to
equipment sold in countries applying EU directives
The manufacturer of this product is Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku
Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan. The Authorized Representative for EMC and product
safety is Sony Deutschland GmbH, Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327 Stuttgart,
Germany. For any service or guarantee matters please refer to the addresses given
in separate service or guarantee documents.
• DAB (Band-III)/FM 2-band digital clock radio
• Large clock display and 16 × 2 lines character dot display for text information
• Brightness control
• 4 alarms with various alarm mode; weekdays, weekends, daily and once
• 20 memory presets (10 DAB, 10 FM)
• Current time and Summer time adjustment synchronized with DAB data
• Sleep timer
Initial setting for the clock radio
When the first time after purchase, do the following.
1 Plug in the unit.
“Setting clock...” appears in the display, and DAB data adjust the clock as it is
received. When finished, the current time appears in the display.
2 Press RADIO ON/OFFALARM RESET to turn on the radio.
The unit will automatically scan and create a list of receivable DAB
If the clock is not set within 3 minutes, the following message appears in the
display (see “Setting the clock”).
Model for United Kingdom and Australia: “AM 12:03 clock not set…
Model for other countries/regions: “0:03 clock not set…
If no broadcasts are found by the DAB scan, “No stations available” appears
in the display.
Setting the clock
Do the following if DAB broadcast is not available (depending on area). The time
setting mode by DAB becomes invalid.
1 Press MENU and UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to select the
“Set clock,” and then press ENTER.
The hour indication will be displayed as follows.
2 Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to set the hour, and then
press ENTER.
3 Repeat step 2 to set the minute, year, month and day.
After setting the time, the clock starts from 0 seconds.
If you do not operate within 7 seconds while setting the clock, the clock setting
mode will be cancelled.
Setup time for this operation is adjusted automatically when the customer
operates the set while receiving DAB service.
To change the clock display
You can choose the clock display 12-hour system and 24-hour system.
1 Press MENU and UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to show the
Clock display” in the display, and then press ENTER.
2 Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to select the desired clock
display, and then press ENTER.
The clock display changes by turns (12-hour system:
AM 12:00” = midnight, 24-hour system: “0:00” = midnight).
Time adjustment about Summer
This units time adjustment will be done only when receiving DAB service.
Receive DAB service for at least one minute to renew the time into Summer time.
Setting the brightness of the
Press and hold DISPLAYBRIGHTNESS for few seconds to change the brightness.
Repeat this step, to select high, middle or low for the display according to your
Improving the reception
Extend the wire antenna fully to increase reception sensitivity.
Operating the radio
The unit can receive DAB services and FM stations.
1 Press RADIO ON/OFFALARM RESET to turn on the radio.
When the unit is turned on again, the last band you listened to is received.
2 Press DAB/FM repeatedly to select the desired band.
Each press changes the band as follows:
3 Press the UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to tune to the desired
service or station.
If you are selecting DAB, press ENTER.
4 Adjust the volume using VOL +/.
Note in FM usage
The frequency step is set to 0.05 MHz on FM.
Notes in DAB usage
If there are no services, you can choose only MANUAL mode.
“Station not available” appears when the ensemble for the selected service
cannot be received.
DAB broadcasts with poor quality reception may be selected when Auto scan is
performed. In this case, perform Manual tune, which may improve reception.
If DAB services are invalid, or radio reception is poor, “?” is displayed in front
of the selected service.
About the SC (Secondary Component)
If the selected primary component has a secondary component, “” appears in
the display.
Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT and ENTER to receive the desired
secondary component. “” appears while the secondary component is received.
When the selected secondary component is finished, the unit returns
automatically to the primary component.
Presetting your favourite services or
You can preset 10 services in DAB and 10 stations in FM.
services or stations
1 Follow steps 1 to 3 in “Operating the radio” and manually tune in to
the broadcast you wish to preset.
2 Press PRESET.
3 Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to select the favourite
number to preset, then press and hold PRESET.
“Preset saved” appears for 7 seconds in the display and the service or station is
stored. (DAB services are stored with a service label.)
To preset another service or station, repeat these steps.
To change the preset service or station, tune in to the desired service or
station and repeat steps 2 and 3. The new service or station will replace the
previous service or station.
When the service or station is not registered, “Empty preset” appears in the
If you do not operate within 7 seconds during the above steps, the current
mode will be cancelled.
Tuning in to a preset
service or station
1 Press PRESET.
2 Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to select the desired preset
station and then press ENTER.
When the service or station is not registered, “Empty preset” appears in the
If you do not operate within 7 seconds during the above steps, the current
mode will be cancelled.
Scan tuning (for FM)
The unit will automatically scan FM station.
1 Press RADIO ON/OFFALARM RESET to turn on the radio.
2 Press DAB/FM to select the FM band.
3 Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to choose the direction,
and then press ENTERFM SCAN.
UP(): Scans to the higher frequency.
DOWN(): Scans to the lower frequency.
Scanning starts from the frequency being tuned in. When a station is received,
scanning stops.
4 If necessary, press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to tune in to
the station more precisely.
5 Adjust the volume using VOL +/.
Setting the alarm
This unit allows you to set four alarm programmes (ALARM 1-4).
The alarm time can be set for every programme and the alarm sound is selectable
from radio or buzzer.
The alarm will come on at the same time everyday. Before setting the alarm, make
sure to set the clock (see “Setting the Clock”).
To set the alarm time
1 Press MENU and UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to select
Alarm settings,” and then press ENTER.
2 Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to select the desired alarm
(1 - 4) and then press ENTER.
When the alarm is not set up, “Not in use” appears in the display.
3 Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to select the alarm mode
(DAB, FM and buzzer) and then press ENTER.
“Set alarm” appears in the display.
If you select DAB or FM, “Set volume” appears in the display. In this case,
repeat this step and adjust the volume.
4 Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to select “ON,” and then
press ENTER.
The alarm time appears in the bottom of the display, and the arrow appears in
both sides of the hour indicator.
5 Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE/SELECT to set the hour, and then
press ENTER.
The arrow appears in both sides of the minute indicator.
6 Repeat step 5 to set the minute and the alarm mode.
The alarm mode as follows:
“Weekdays”: Every Monday to Friday
“Weekends”: Every Saturday and Sunday
“Daily”: Everyday from Sunday to Saturday
Once”: Once only
If you select “Once” repeat step 5 to set the year, month and day.
7 Press ENTER.
The setting is complete.
You can set the alarm using ALARM button on the unit.
Press ALARM and follow after steps 2.
The default alarm time for radio and buzzer is the current time of the clock.
If you quit during the alarm setting, after about 7 seconds the previous display
will return.
If a second alarm sounds during a first (or the snooze function is active), the
second alarm takes priority.
If the alarm sounds at the same time (or the snooze function is active), the large
alarm number takes priority.
When Summer time begins, it is necessary to adjust the current time by
manually (see “Time adjustment about Summer time” ).
While setting the alarm or the alarm is active, “ALARM (1-4)” will flash.
To set the alarm on/off
1 Follow steps 1 to 4 in “To set the alarm time.
“Set alarm” appears in the display.
2 Press UP()/DOWN()•TUNE SELECT to set the alarm “ON” or
OFF,” and then press ENTER.
ON”: ALARM (1-4)” appears in the display when the alarm setting is
OFF”: “ALARM (1-4)” turn off from the display.
3 Follow after step 5 in “To set the alarm time.
The setting is complete.
To doze for a few more minutes
The radio or buzzer turns off, but will automatically come on again after about
5 minutes. (While the snooze function is active, the selected alarm setting and
“Snooze” flash in the display.)
To stop the alarm
Press RADIO ON/OFF ALARM RESET to turn off the alarm.
The alarm will come on again at the same time the next day.
Setting the Sleep Timer
You can enjoy falling asleep to the radio using the built-in sleep timer that turns
off the radio automatically after a preset duration.
1 Press SLEEP while the unit is turned on.
“Sleep” appears in the display.
2 Press SLEEP to set the sleep timer duration.
Each time you press SLEEP, the duration changes as follows:
The unit automatically turns off when the duration time is passed.
Press ENTER or 7 seconds after you have finished setting the duration setting and
released SLEEP, “Sleep activated” appears in the display and then the sleep timer
starts. The unit will play for the duration you set, and then shut off.
To change the Sleep Timer setting
Repeat step 2 to select the desired sleep timer setting even after the sleep timer
has been activated.
To deactivate the Sleep Timer
Press SNOOZE/SLEEP OFF, the unit will turn off.
SLEEP to set the sleep timer “Off,” only the sleep timer will be cancelled
(the radio keeps on).
Wire antenna
There is a tactile dot beside VOL +.
AC power
Display window (24-hour system)
The display differs depending on your country/region.
Operating Instructions
©2010 Sony Corporation Printed in China
Dream Machine is a trademark of Sony Corporation.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony XDR-C706DBP

Sony XDR-C706DBP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Sony XDR-C706DBP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Français - 2 pagina's

Sony XDR-C706DBP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 2 pagina's

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