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Installation of the rear view camera (not supplied) is
required before use.
The picture from a rear view camera connected to
the CAMERA IN (REAR) terminal is displayed when:
the back lamp of your car lights up (or the shift
lever is set to the R (reverse) position).
you press HOME, touch [Camera], then touch
Before installing, make sure the catches on both
sides of the bracket are bent inwards 3.5 mm
/32 in).
For Japanese cars, see “Mounting the unit in a
Japanese car” (page 30).
1 Position the bracket inside the
dashboard, then bend the claws outward
for a tight fit.
2 Mount the unit onto the bracket .
• If the catches are straight or bent outwards, the unit will
not be installed securely and may spring out.
• Make sure the 4 catches on the protection collar are
properly engaged in the slots of the unit.
Mounting the unit in a Japanese car
You may not be able to install this unit in some
Japanese cars. In such a case, consult your Sony
When mounting this unit to the preinstalled
brackets of your car, use the supplied screws in
the appropriate screw holes based on your car:
T for TOYOTA and N for NISSAN.
To prevent a malfunction, install only with the supplied
screws .
When replacing the fuse, be sure to
use one matching the amperage
rating stated on the original fuse.
If the fuse blows, check the power
connection and replace the fuse.
If the fuse blows again after
replacement, there may be an
internal malfunction. In such a case, consult your
nearest Sony dealer.
Using the rear view camera
Mounting the unit in the dashboard
Larger than
182 mm (7
/4 in)
Larger than
111 mm (4
/8 in)
Fuse replacement
To the dashboard/center console
Parts supplied with
your car
Fuse (10 A)

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Sony XAV-AX200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français - 108 pagina's

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