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The following checklist will help you remedy
problems you may encounter with your unit.
Before going through the checklist below, check
the connection and operating procedures.
For details on using the fuse and removing the unit
from the dashboard, see “Connection/Installation
(page 25).
If the problem is not solved, visit the support site on
the back cover.
There is no beep sound.
An optional power amplifier is connected and
you are not using the built-in amplifier.
The fuse has blown.
The unit makes noise when the position of the
ignition is switched.
The leads are not matched correctly with the car’s
accessory power connector.
The display disappears from/does not appear on
the monitor.
The monitor off function is activated (page 6).
Touch anywhere on the display to turn the
display back on.
Menu items cannot be selected.
Unavailable menu items are displayed in gray.
The USB functions do not work properly.
Do not use a USB extension cable as it may cause
deterioration of signal quality.
Use a shorter USB cable when connecting the
USB device, or replace the USB cable with a new
The unit cannot be operated.
Press and hold HOME for more than 10 seconds
to restart the unit. For your safety, do not restart
the unit while you are driving.
Touch panel operation
The touch panel does not react to your touch
Touch one part of the touch panel at a time. If
two or more parts are touched simultaneously,
the touch panel will not react correctly.
Calibrate the touch panel of the display (page 17).
Touch the pressure sensitive panel firmly.
Multi-touch is not recognized.
Multi-touch operation is not supported on this
Radio reception
The radio reception is poor.
Static noise occurs.
Connect the antenna (aerial) firmly.
PTY displays [PTY not found.].
The current station is not an RDS station, or the
radio reception is poor.
Seek starts after a few seconds of listening.
The station is non-TP or has a weak signal.
Deactivate TA (page 9).
There are no traffic announcements.
Activate TA (page 9).
The station does not broadcast any traffic
announcements despite being TP.
Tune into another station.
DAB/DAB+ radio reception
Stations cannot be received.
See [No Station] (page 24) for details when the
DAB signal cannot be received.
No traffic announcements.
Disable DAB announcements (page 11).
Traffic announcements are not available while
DAB announcements are enabled.
There is no picture/picture noise occurs.
A connection has not been made correctly.
Check the connection between this unit and
other equipment and set the input selector of the
equipment to the source corresponding to this
Installation is not correct.
Install the unit at an angle of less than 30° in a
sturdy part of the car.
The parking cord (light green) is not connected to
the parking brake switch cord, or the parking
brake is not applied.
The picture does not fit in the screen.
The aspect ratio is fixed on the playback source.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony XAV-AX1005DB

Sony XAV-AX1005DB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

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