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Compatible iPhone models:
iPhone XS Max, iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone X,
iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7,
iPhone SE, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s,
iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s
Use of the Made for Apple badge means that an
accessory has been designed to connect
specifically to the Apple product(s) identified in
the badge, and has been certified by the
developer to meet Apple performance standards.
Apple is not responsible for the operation of this
device or its compliance with safety and
regulatory standards. Please note that the use of
this accessory with an Apple product may affect
wireless performance.
This product contains software that Sony uses
under a licensing agreement with the owner of its
copyright. We are obligated to announce the
contents of the agreement to customers under
requirement by the owner of copyright for the
For details on software licenses, select [Settings]
[General] [Open Source Licenses].
Notice on GNU GPL/LGPL applied software
This product contains software that is subject to the
following GNU General Public License (hereinafter
referred to as “GPL”) or GNU Lesser General Public
License (hereinafter referred to as “LGPL). These
establish that customers have the right to acquire,
modify, and redistribute the source code of said
software in accordance with the terms of the GPL or
LGPL displayed on this unit.
The source code for the above-listed software is
available on the Web.
To download, please access the following URL then
select the model name “XAV-3500.
URL: http://www.sony.net/Products/Linux/
Please note that Sony cannot answer or respond to
any inquiries regarding the content of the source
If you have any questions or problems concerning
your unit that are not covered in this Operating
Instructions, consult your nearest Sony dealer.
Monitor section
Display type: Wide LCD color monitor
Dimensions: 6.95 in/176 mm
System: TFT active matrix
Number of pixels:
1,152,000 pixels (800 × 3 (RGB) × 480)
Color system:
PAL/NTSC automatic select for CAMERA IN
Radio section
Tuning range: 87.5 MHz – 108.0 MHz
Usable sensitivity: 7 dBf
Signal-to-noise ratio: 70 dB (mono)
Separation at 1 kHz: 45 dB
Tuning range: 531 kHz – 1,602 kHz
Sensitivity: 32 µV
USB player section
Interface: USB port (Hi-speed)
Maximum current: 1.5 A
Wireless communication
Communication System:
BLUETOOTH Standard version 3.0
BLUETOOTH Standard Power Class 2
(Max. Conducted +1 dBm)
Maximum communication range*1:
Line of sight approx. 10 m (33 ft)
Frequency band:
2.4 GHz band (2.4000 GHz – 2.4835 GHz)
Modulation method: FHSS
Compatible BLUETOOTH Profiles*2:
A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) 1.3
AVRCP (Audio Video Remote Control Profile) 1.3
HFP (Handsfree Profile) 1.6
PBAP (Phone Book Access Profile) 1.1
Corresponding codec: SBC, AAC
*1 The actual range will vary depending on factors such as
obstacles between devices, magnetic fields around a
microwave oven, static electricity, reception sensitivity,
antenna (aerial)’s performance, operating system,
software application, etc.
*2 BLUETOOTH standard profiles indicate the purpose of
BLUETOOTH communication between devices.
About iPhone
Notice on license

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