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Error displays/Messages
The unit is confirming the connection of a
USB device.
Wait until confirming the connection is
The disc is dirty or inserted upside down.
Clean or insert the disc correctly.
A blank disc has been inserted.
The disc cannot play due to a problem.
–Insert another disc.
USB device was not automatically recognized.
Connect it again.
Press to remove the disc.
The connection of speakers/amplifiers is
See the installation/connections manual of
this model to check the connection.
HUB NO SUPRT (Hubs Not Supported)
USB hub is not supported on this unit.
NO AF (No Alternative Frequencies)
There is no alternative frequency for the
current station.
–Press  +/– while the program service
name is flashing. The unit starts searching
for another frequency with the same PI
(Program Identification) data (“PI SEEK”
NO DEV (No Device)
USB” is selected as source without a USB
device connected. A USB device or a USB cable
has been disconnected during playback.
Be sure to connect a USB device and USB
The disc is ejected, or “CD” is selected as the
source without inserting the disc.
The disc or USB device does not contain a
music file.
Insert a music CD in this unit.
Connect a USB device with a music file in it.
A disc/album/artist/track name is not written
in the track.
NO TP (No Traffic Programs)
The unit will continue searching for available
TP stations.
There is no item beginning with the selected
letter in Alphabet search.
There may be an internal malfunction.
Check the connection. If the error indication
remains on in the display, consult your
nearest Sony dealer.
USB device is overloaded.
Disconnect the USB device, then change the
source by pressing .
Indicates that the USB device is out of order,
or an unsupported device is connected.
PUSH EJT (Push Eject)
The disc cannot be ejected.
–Press (eject).
The unit is reading all track and album
information on the disc.
Wait until reading is complete and playback
starts automatically. Depending on the disc
structure, it may take more than a minute.
USB NO SUPRT (USB Not Supported)
The connected USB device is not supported.
For details on the compatibility of your USB
device, visit the support site.
“” or “”
During reverse or fast-forward, you have
reached the beginning or the end of the disc
and you cannot go any further.
The character cannot be displayed with the

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony WX-GT90BT

Sony WX-GT90BT Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano - 2 pagina's

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