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About This Manual
The instructions in this manual are for models
STR-DE945 and STR-DE845. Check your model number
by looking at the upper right corner of the front panel. In
this manual, the STR-DE945 is used for illustration
purposes unless stated otherwise. Any difference in
operation is clearly indicated in the text, for example,
“STR-DE945 only.”
Type of differences
Model DE945 DE845
5 audio/video inputs z
4 audio/video inputs z
Hooking Up the Components 4
Unpacking 4
Antenna Hookups 5
Audio Component Hookups 6
Video Component Hookups 8
Digital Component Hookups 9
5.1CH Input Hookups 11
Other Hookups 12
Hooking Up and Setting Up the
Speaker System 15
Speaker System Hookup 16
Performing Initial Setup Operations 18
Multi Channel Surround Setup 19
Before You Use Your Receiver 23
Location of Parts and Basic
Operations 26
Front Panel Parts Description 26
Enjoying Surround Sound 31
Selecting a Sound Field 32
Understanding the Multi-Channel Surround
Displays 36
Customizing Sound Fields 38
Receiving Broadcasts 43
Direct Tuning 44
Automatic Tuning 45
Preset Tuning 45
Other Operations 47
Naming Preset Stations and Program Sources 48
Recording 48
Using the Sleep Timer 49
Adjustments Using the SET UP Button 50
CONTROL A1 Control System 51
Additional Information 53
Troubleshooting 53
Specifications 55
Glossary 58
Tables of Settings Using SUR, LEVEL, EQ, and SET
UP buttons 59
Index 61
The instructions in this manual describe the controls on
the receiver. You can also use the controls on the
supplied remote if they have the same or similar names
as those on the receiver. For details on the use of your
remote, refer to the separate operating instructions
supplied with the remote.
The following icon is used in this manual:
z Indicates hints and tips for making the task easier.
This receiver incorporates Dolby
* Digital and Pro Logic
Surround and the DTS** Digital Surround System.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.
“Dolby”, “AC-3”, “Pro Logic” and the double-D symbol ; are
trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Confidential unpublished Works. © 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories.
All rights reserved.
Manufactured under license from Digital Theater Systems, Inc. US
Pat. No. 5,451,942 and other worldwide patents issued and pending.
“DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are trademarks of Digital
Theater Systems, Inc. © 1996 Digital Theater Systems, Inc. All
rights reserved.
4 8
IMPEDANCE USE 4 – 16 8 – 16
About area codes
The area code of the player you purchased is shown on the
lower portion of the rear panel (see the illustration below).
Area code
Any differences in operation, according to the area code, are
clearly indicated in the text, for example, “Models of area
code AA only”.

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