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Additional Information
If you experience any of the following difficulties
while using the recorder, use this troubleshooting
guide to help remedy the problem before
requesting repairs. Should any problem persist,
contact the Sony Customer Information Centre on
08705 111 999
(Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm)
The power does not turn on.
, Check that the mains lead is connected securely.
The channel is not found or stored or missed.
, Make sure that your aerial is properly connected
to the recorder.
, Confirm with your dealer that you are in an area
that can receive a digital signal.
, Check your aerial installation.
There is no picture.
, Re-connect all connecting cords securely.
, The connecting cords are damaged.
, Check the connection to your TV (page 15).
, Switch the input selector on your TV (such as to
“VCR”) so that the signal from the recorder
appears on the TV screen.
, Check that “Scart Setting” in “Video” setup is set
to the appropriate item that conforms to your
system (page 95).
, If you connect the recorder to your TV via only
the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks, set
“Component Out” in “Video” setup to “On”
(page 95).
, This recorder cannot record NTSC signals.
, A scrambled channel is selected.
, When playing a double-layer DVD, the video
and audio may be momentarily interrupted at the
point where the layers switch.
Picture noise appears.
, If the picture output signal from your recorder
passes through your VCR to get to your TV, or if
you are connected to a combination TV/VIDEO
player, the copy-protection signal applied to
some DVD programmes could affect picture
quality. If you still experience this problem even
when you connect your recorder directly to your
TV, try connecting your recorder to your TV’s S
VIDEO input.
, You have set the recorder to progressive format
(the PROGRESSIVE indicator lights up) even
though your TV cannot accept the progressive
signal. In this case, press PROGRESSIVE until
the PROGRESSIVE indicator turns off.
, Even if your TV is compatible with progressive
format (525p/625p) signals, the image may be
affected when you set the recorder to progressive
format. In this case, disconnect first the HDMI
cord from the recorder (RDR-HXD910 only) and
press PROGRESSIVE so that the
PROGRESSIVE indicator turns off and the
recorder is set to normal (interlace) format.
, You are playing a DVD recorded in a colour
system that is different from your TV.
, Noises may appear in the pictures recorded on
the HDD, which is due to the characteristics of
HDD, and is not a malfunction.
, When playing a double-layer DVD, the video
and audio may be momentarily interrupted at the
point where the layers switch.
There is no picture or the picture noise appears
when connected to the HDMI OUT jack (RDR-
HXD910 only).
, Try the following: 1Turn the recorder off and
on again.
2Turn the connected equipment off
and on again.
3Disconnect and then connect the
HDMI cord again.
, If the HDMI OUT jack is used for video output,
changing the “HDMI Resolution” setting in the
“Video” setup may solve the problem (page 94).
Connect the TV and the recorder using a video
jack other than the HDMI OUT, and switch the
TV’s input to the connected video input so that
you can see the on-screen displays. Change the
“HDMI Resolution” setting in the “Video” setup,
and switch the TV’s input back to HDMI. If the
picture still does not appear, repeat the steps and
try other options.
, The recorder is connected to an input device that
is not HDCP compliant (page 16).

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