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Timer Recording (Standard/
You can set the timer for a total of thirty
There are two methods to set the timer: the
standard method and the EPG method.
Standard: Set the date, time, and programme
position of the programme manually. This
method allows you to set the timer up to one
month in advance.
EPG: Set a programme to be recorded based on
the information provided by the EPG (Electronic
Programme Guide) (page 48). This method
allows you to set the timer up to 8 days from the
current time (depending on programme
availability from the broadcaster).
Setting the timer manually
1 Press Z (open/close), and place a
recordable disc on the disc tray.
2 Press Z (open/close) to close the disc
Wait until “LOAD” disappears from the front
panel display.
Unused DVDs are formatted automatically.
3 Press [TIMER].
4 Select an item using </, and adjust
using M/m.
“Date”: Sets the date.
The item changes as follows:
Today y Tomorrow y …… y Thu
28.10 (1 month later) y Sun (every Sunday)
y …… y Sat (every Saturday) y
Mon-Fri (Monday to Friday) y Mon-Sat
(Monday to Saturday) y Sun-Sat (Sunday to
Saturday) y Today
“Start”: Sets the start time.
“Stop”: Sets the stop time.
“Source”: Selects the input source as follows:
TV y Radio y Line (External input) y
“Prog.”: Selects the TV/Radio programme
position or input line.
“Mode”: Selects the recording mode
(page 45).
If you make a mistake, select the item and
change the setting.
5 Select “OK,” and press ENTER.
The Timer List menu (page 51) appears. The
TIMER REC indicator lights up on the front
panel and the recorder is ready to start
Unlike a VCR, there is no need to turn off the
recorder before the timer recording starts.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
With the recording side facing down
Timer - Standard
Set the timer manually.
To da y
Start Source Prog. ModeStop
01GB01.book Page 46 Mardi, 7. septembre 2004 9:41 09

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