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Additional Information
Additional Information
If you experience any of the following difficulties
while using the recorder, use this troubleshooting
guide to help remedy the problem before
requesting repairs. Should any problem persist,
consult your nearest Sony dealer.
The power does not turn on.
, Check that the mains lead is connected securely.
There is no picture.
, Re-connect all connecting cords securely.
, The connecting cords are damaged.
, Check the connection to your TV (page 13).
, Switch the input selector on your TV (such as to
“VCR”) so that the signal from the recorder
appears on the TV screen.
, Check that “Scart Setting” in Video Setup is set
to the appropriate item that conforms to your
system (page 88).
, If you connect the recorder to your TV via only
the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks, set
“Component Out” in Video Setup to “On”
(page 88).
, This recorder cannot record NTSC signals.
Picture noise appears.
, If the picture output signal from your recorder
passes through your VCR to get to your TV, or if
you are connected to a combination TV/VIDEO
player, the copy-protection signal applied to
some DVD programmes could affect picture
quality. If you still experience this problem even
when you connect your recorder directly to your
TV, try connecting your recorder to your TV’s S
VIDEO input.
, You have set the recorder to progressive format
(the PROGRESSIVE indicator lights up) even
though your TV cannot accept the progressive
signal. In this case, press PROGRESSIVE until
the progressive indicator turns off.
, Even if your TV is compatible with progressive
format (525p/625p) signals, the image may be
affected when you set the recorder to progressive
format. In this case, press PROGRESSIVE so
that the PROGRESSIVE indicator turns off and
the recorder is set to normal (interlace) format.
, You are playing a disc recorded in a colour
system that is different from your TV.
TV programme reception does not fill the
, Set the channel manually in “Channel Setting” in
Settings Setup (page 83).
, Select the correct source using the INPUT
SELECT button, or select a channel of any TV
programme using the PROG +/– buttons.
TV programme pictures are distorted.
, Reorient the TV aerial.
, Adjust the picture (see the TV’s instruction
, Place the recorder and TV farther apart.
, Place the TV and any bunched aerial cables
farther apart.
, The RF cable is connected to the AERIAL OUT
jack on the recorder. Connect the cable to the
TV channels cannot be changed.
, The channel is disabled (page 85).
, A timer recording started, which changed the
The picture from equipment connected to the
recorder’s input jack does not appear on the
, If the equipment is connected to the LINE 1-TV
jack, select “L1” in the front panel display by
pressing PROG +/– or INPUT SELECT.
If the equipment is connected to the LINE 2 IN
jacks, select “L2” in the front panel display by
pressing PROG +/– or INPUT SELECT.
If the equipment is connected to the LINE 4 IN
jacks, select “L4” in the front panel display by
pressing PROG +/– or INPUT SELECT.
If the equipment is connected to the LINE 3/
DECODER jack, select “L3” in the front panel
display by pressing PROG +/– or INPUT

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  • Bezit zoon recorder echter tracht ik heden zelf gebrande DVD films af te spelen hierin:maar heb diverze mogelijke schijfjes geprobeerd,en diverze brand programmas uitgeprobeerd echter ,krijg ik geen afspeel DVD gecreerd,

    Heeft u of elders iemand hiervoor tips of zou ik de geheele handleiding alhier moeten uitprinten en doorlezen,gebruik Any burn brand programma en Burn Away profecional maar met bijden tot op heden nu nog niet gelukt(wat doe ik hierin niet juist)???? graag enige tips te mailen naar vanwameldick68@gmail.com. Gesteld op 17-2-2021 om 05:07

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • het opnamen lampje blijft knipperen,en er wordt niets opgenomen. Gesteld op 13-11-2011 om 10:52

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony RDR-GX700

Sony RDR-GX700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 120 pagina's

Sony RDR-GX700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 128 pagina's

Sony RDR-GX700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 128 pagina's

Sony RDR-GX700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 128 pagina's

Sony RDR-GX700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 120 pagina's

Sony RDR-GX700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 124 pagina's

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