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On recording
Note that the contents of the
recording cannot be compensated
for under any and all conditions,
including conditions that may
arise due to a malfunction of this
Make trial recordings before
making the actual recording.
Television programmes, films,
video tapes, discs, and other
materials may be copyrighted.
Unauthorized recording of such
material may be contrary to the
provisions of the copyright laws.
Also, use of this recorder with
cable television transmission may
require authorization from the
cable television transmitter and/or
programme owner.
This product incorporates
copyright protection technology
that is protected by U.S. patents
and other intellectual property
rights. Use of this copyright
protection technology must be
authorized by Macrovision, and is
intended for home and other
limited viewing uses only unless
otherwise authorized by
Macrovision. Reverse engineering
or disassembly is prohibited.
Copy guard function
Since the recorder has a copy guard
function, programmes received
through an external tuner (not
supplied) may contain copy
protection signals (copy guard
function) and as such may not be
recordable, depending on the type of
If you have any questions or
problems concerning your recorder,
please consult your nearest Sony
About this manual
Instructions in this manual
describe the controls on the
remote. You can also use the
controls on the recorder if they
have the same or similar names as
those on the remote.
The on-screen display illustrations
used in this manual may not match
the graphics displayed on your TV
The explanations regarding discs
in this manual refer to discs
created on this recorder. The
explanations do not apply to discs
that are created on other recorders
and played back on this recorder.
Caution: This recorder is capable
of holding a still video image or
on-screen display image on your
television screen indefinitely. If
you leave the still video image or
on-screen display image displayed
on your TV for an extended period
of time you risk permanent damage
to your television screen. Plasma
display panels and projection
televisions are especially
susceptible to this.
Check your model name
The instructions in this manual are
for 2 models: RDR-GX300 and
RDR-GX700. Check your model
name by looking at the front panel
of the recorder. RDR-GX700 is the
model used for illustration
purposes. Any difference in
operation is clearly indicated in the
text, for example, “RDR-GX700

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony RDR-GX300

Sony RDR-GX300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 120 pagina's

Sony RDR-GX300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 128 pagina's

Sony RDR-GX300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 128 pagina's

Sony RDR-GX300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 128 pagina's

Sony RDR-GX300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 120 pagina's

Sony RDR-GX300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 124 pagina's

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