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Connect to the network
Getting Started
Supporting documentation
Euro-AV Connector
to the USB
USB cable
Select (Settings) (Network Settings) [Internet Connection Settings].
Select [Easy] [Wireless] [Scan].
Select the access point you want to use.
Check that the SSID is correct and press
the right button.
Select the type of encryption key.
Enter the encryption key.
Press the button to display the keyboard.
Enter the encryption key and then select [Enter].
Check that the settings are correct, and
then save the settings.
Ethernet cableTo the Internet line To the Internet line
Connect an Ethernet cable (sold separately) to the PS3
Select (Settings) (Network Settings) [Internet Connection Settings].
Select [Easy].
Check that the settings are correct, and then save the settings.
Using PlayStation®Network
Wireless router
(access point)
System front
Insert the disc with the label side facing up.
XMBTM (XrossMediaBar) menu
to the TV video input connector
AV cable AC power cord
AV MULTI OUT connector
USB connector
to the outlet
Solid green: System on
Flashing green: System turning off
Solid red: System off (in standby mode)
Connection and Setup Playing disc content
* The L3 and R3 buttons function
when the sticks are pressed.
Connect your PS3
system to a TV.
For high definition output, connect the TV and the PS3
system using an HDMI
cable (sold separately).
Turn on the TV and then select the appropriate input.
Press the power button to turn on the PS3
If video is not displayed, turn off the PS3
system, and then turn it on again by pressing the power button
for at least five seconds (until the system beeps a second time).
Press the PS button on the wireless controller.
Follow the on-screen instructions to perform the initial setup.
between upper
and lower case
Delete Enter typed
characters and exit
the keyboard
System rear
Disc cover
Power button/Power indicator
(open) button
System storage access indicator
USB connectors LAN connector
HDMI OUT connector
AC IN connector
AV MULTI OUT connector
DUALSHOCK®3 wireless controller
Left stick/L3 button*
SELECT button
L1 button L2 button
Directional buttons
USB connector
START button
R1 button R2 button
Right stick/R3 button*
Port indicators
PS button: Displays the XMB
TM menu
Turns the system on/off
Quits a game
Connect using a wired connection Connect wirelessly
button: Cancel an operation
button: Confirm the selected
button: Displays the options
menu/control panel
Open the disc cover and insert the disc.
To open the disc cover, you can either press the (open) button or manually slide the disc cover to the left.
Push the disc into place until you hear a click.
Slide the disc cover closed.
When you close the disc cover, the disc will automatically start playing. If the disc does not automatically start,
select the icon for the disc from the XMB
TM menu, and then press the button.
Network gateway device
such as a DSL modem
Network gateway device
such as a DSL modem
Quick Start Guide
CECH-4204 series 7022245 GB
To quit a game, press the PS button on the controller and then select (Quit Game). To quit playing other types
of discs, press the button on the controller.
Saved data for PlayStation
®3 format software is saved in the system storage. To display the data, go to (Game)
(Saved Data Utility(PS3
PlayStation®Network gives you instant access to a variety of services, including online
gaming, downloadable games, movies and content from (PlayStation
®Store) and
chat facilities under (Friends). To use PlayStation
®Network, you must have a Sony
Entertainment Network account. To create an account, select (Sign Up) under
®Network) and follow the on-screen instructions.
®Network and PlayStation®Store not available in all countries and
languages, see eu.playstation.com/legal for details. Broadband internet connection
required. Users are responsible for broadband internet connection fees. Users must
be 7 years or older and users under 18 require parental consent. Charges apply for
some content and/or services. Registration also possible via web browser at
Safety and Support
This document contains information about how to safely use the PS3
system. Be sure to read it before using the
This document includes parental control information.
Online User's Guide eu.playstation.com/ps3/support/manuals/
This guide contains detailed information about using the PS3
You can also refer to (Network) (Online Instruction Manuals).
System Software Updates eu.playstation.com/ps3
This site provides the latest information about system software updates.
Support eu.playstation.com/ps3/support/
The official site for PlayStation® product support provides the latest questions and answers about your product.
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
" ", "PlayStation", "DUALSHOCK", " " and " " are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Also," " is a trademark of the same company.
"XMB" and "xross media bar" are trademarks of Sony Corporation and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
"SONY" and " " are registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. "Sony Entertainment Network" is a trademark of the
same company.
HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC.
©2013 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. All rights reserved.

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