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Additional Information
Display Unit
Power Requirements:
220–240 V AC, 50 Hz
Screen Size:
KDL-52xxxxx: 52 inches
KDL-46xxxxx: 46 inches
KDL-40xxxxx: 40 inches
KDL-37xxxxx: 37 inches
KDL-32xxxxx: 32 inches
KDL-26xxxxx: 26 inches
Display Resolution:
1,920 dots (horizontal) x 1,080 lines (vertical) (Only for
KDL-52W4xxx, KDL-46W4xxx, KDL-40W4xxx,
KDL-32W4xxx, KDL-40E4xxx, KDL-32E4xxx)
1,366 dots (horizontal) x 768 lines (vertical) (Only for
KDL-37V4xxx, KDL-32V4xxx, KDL-26V4xxx,
Power Consumption*:
223 W (Home / Standard mode)
253 W (Shop / Vivid mode)
225 W (Home / Standard mode)
243 W (Shop / Vivid mode)
KDL-40W4xxx, KDL-40E4xxx:
176 W (Home / Standard mode)
201 W (Shop / Vivid mode)
138 W (Home / Standard mode)
155 W (Shop / Vivid mode)
KDL-32E4xxx, KDL-32W4xxx:
120 W (Home / Standard mode)
143 W (Shop / Vivid mode)
111 W (Home / Standard mode)
122 W (Shop / Vivid mode)
KDL-26V4xxx, KDL-26E4xxx:
88 W (Home / Standard mode)
98 W (Shop / Vivid mode)
* For details about “Home mode” or “Shop mode” see
page 7.
Standby Power Consumption*:
0.19 W or less
* Specified standby power is reached after the TV
finishes necessary internal processes.
* When "Control for HDMI" is activated, standby
power consumption is 0.6 W.
* When "Quick Start" is activated, standby power
consumption will remain at 16 W for two hours after
switching to standby mode.
Dimensions (w × h × d):
Approx: 126.2 x 87.1 x 34.7 cm (with stand)
Approx: 126.2 x 82.9 x 11.9 cm (without stand)
Approx: 112.0 x 78.2 x 30.7 cm (with stand)
Approx: 112.0 x 74.2 x 11.5 cm (without stand)
Approx: 98.6 x 68.4 x 27.9 cm (with stand)
Approx: 98.6 x 64.6 x 11.0 cm (without stand)
Approx: 100.6 x 69.5 x 28.3 cm (with stand)
Approx: 100.6 x 64.5 x 11.4 cm (without stand)
Approx: 92.0 x 64.9 x 27.9 cm (with stand)
Approx: 92.0 x 61.0 x 11.0 cm (without stand)
KDL-32W4xxx, KDL-32V4xxx:
Approx: 79.4 x 57.7 x 24.2 cm (with stand)
Approx: 79.4 x 54.0 x 9.9 cm (without stand)
Approx: 81.4 x 58.7 x 24.1 cm (with stand)
Approx: 81.4 x 54.0 x 10.4 cm (without stand)
Approx: 65.9 x 50.5 x 24.2 cm (with stand)
Approx: 65.9 x 46.6 x 9.5 cm (without stand)
Approx: 68.4 x 47.5 x 18.6 cm (with stand)
Approx: 68.4 x 46.9 x 10.1 cm (without stand)
Approx: 38.0 kg (with stand)
Approx: 32.0 kg (without stand)
Approx: 29.0 kg (with stand)
Approx: 25.0 kg (without stand)
Approx: 21.5 kg (with stand)
Approx: 18.5 kg (without stand)
Approx: 22.0 kg (with stand)
Approx: 19.0 kg (without stand)
Approx: 20.5 kg (with stand)
Approx: 17.5 kg (without stand)
KDL-32W4xxx, KDL-32V4xxx, KDL-32E4xxx:
Approx: 15.5 kg (with stand)
Approx: 13.0 kg (without stand)
KDL-26V4xxx, KDL-26E4xxx:
Approx: 12.5 kg (with stand)
Approx: 10.0 kg (without stand)
Panel System
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Panel
TV System
Analogue: Depending on your country/region selection:
B/G/H, D/K, L, I
Digital: DVB-T/DVB-C
Colour/Video System
Analogue: PAL, SECAM
NTSC 3.58, 4.43 (only Video In)
Digital: MPEG-2 MP@ML/HL, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
HP@L4.0, MP@L3.0
75 ohm external terminal for VHF/UHF
Channel Coverage
Analogue: VHF: E2–E12
UHF: E21–E69
CATV: S1–S20
HYPER: S21–S41
D/K: R1–R12, R21–R69
L: F2–F10, B–Q, F21–F69
I: UHF B21–B69
Digital: VHF/UHF
21-pin Scart connector (CENELEC standard) including
audio/video input, RGB input and TV audio/video
21-pin Scart connector (CENELEC standard) including
audio/video input, RGB input, S Video input, selectable
audio/video output, and SMARTLINK interface.
Additional Information
010COV.book Page 33 Tuesday, June 17, 2008 12:53 PM

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