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IC Recorder
Quick Start Guide
© 2013 Sony Corporation Printed in China
Welcome to your new Sony IC recorder!
This is the Quick Start Guide, which provides you with instructions on the basic operations of the IC recorder.
Please read it carefully. We hope you enjoy using your new Sony IC recorder.
Parts and controls
Built-in microphone
 (headphone) jack
Operation indicator
Display window
FOLDER button
MENU button
 PLAY/ENTER button (*)
 (review/fast backward) button
 (stop) button
 (microphone) jack (PLUG IN POWER) (*)
VOL (volume) –/+ button (*)
DIVIDE button
ERASE button
 REC/PAUSE (record/pause) button
 (cue/fast forward) button
Battery compartment
Strap hole (A strap is not supplied.)
* These buttons and the jack have a tactile dot. Use it as a reference point for operations, or to identify each terminal.
Check the supplied items.
ˎ IC Recorder (1)
ˎ Quick Start Guide
ˎ LR03 (size AAA) alkaline batteries (2)
Let’s try out your new IC recorder
1. Power on.
Slide and lift the battery compartment lid, then insert
batteries with the correct polarity.
Turn the power on.
Slide and hold the HOLD•POWER ON/OFF switch in the direction of
“POWER ON/OFF” until the window display appears.
To turn the power off, slide and hold the HOLD•POWER ON/
OFF switch in the direction of “POWER ON/OFF” until “OFF” is
To prevent unintentional operations (HOLD)
2. Set the date and time.
When you insert batteries, “SET DATE” appears on the display, and
then the year section begins to flash.
Press or to set the year (the last two digits of the
year), and then press PLAY/ENTER. Repeat this procedure
to set month, day, hour, and minute in sequence.
3. Record.
Recording starts and the operation indicator lights in red.
¼ You can pause recording by pressing REC/PAUSE. Press REC/
PAUSE again to restart recording.
Place the IC recorder so that the built-in microphone face the
direction of the source to be recorded.
Press (stop) to stop recording.
ACCESS” appears and the recording stops.
4. Listen.
Playback starts and the operation indicator lights in green.
Adjust the volume by pressing VOL –/+.
Press (stop) to stop playback.
5. Erase.
When the IC recorder is in the stop mode, press and hold
When the IC recorder is in the playback mode, press ERASE.
“ERASE” is displayed.
Press ERASE.
Press MENU.
Press or to select a menu item for which you want to
make setting, and then press PLAY/ENTER.
Press or to select the setting that you want to set, and
then press PLAY/ENTER.
Press (stop) to exit the menu mode.
On power
Operate the unit only on 3.0 V or 2.4 V DC.
Use two LR03 (size AAA) alkaline batteries or two
NH-AAA rechargeable batteries.
On safety
Do not operate the unit while driving, cycling or
operating any motorized vehicle.
On handling
ˎ Do not leave the unit in a location near heat
sources, or in a place subject to direct sunlight,
excessive dust or mechanical shock.
ˎ Should any solid object or liquid fall into the unit,
remove the battery and have the unit checked by
qualified personnel before operating it any further.
If you have any questions or problems concerning
your unit, please consult your nearest Sony dealer.
Using the menu
Additional features
You can also view the help guide on the following Sony IC Recorder customer support home page:
Details of these additional features for recording, playback, and editing are included in the help guide.
ˎ MODE (Recording mode)
ˎ SENS (Microphone sensitivity)
ˎ LCF (Low cut filter)
ˎ VOR (Voice Operated Recording)
ˎ REC-OP (Adding a recording)
ˎ DPC (Digital Pitch Control)
ˎ N-CUT (Noise cut)
ˎ EASY-S (Easy search)
ˎ CONT (Continuous play)
ˎ LOCK (Protecting a file)
ˎ DIVIDE (Dividing a file)
Capacity (User available capacity *
2 GB (approx. 1.75 GB = 1,879,048,192 Byte)
A small amount of the built-in memory is used for file
management and therefore not available for user storage.
When the built-in memory is formatted with the IC recorder.
Dimensions (w/h/d) (not incl. projecting parts and
controls) (JEITA)*
Approx. 38.5 mm × 115.2 mm × 21.3 mm
(1 / × 4 / × / inches)
Mass (JEITA)*
Approx. 72 g (2 / oz) including two LR03 (size AAA) alkaline
Measured value by the standard of JEITA (Japan Electronics and
Information Technology Industries Association)
Operating temperature
5 °C - 35 °C (41 °F - 95 °F)
Battery life (When using Sony LR03 (SG) (size AAA)
alkaline batteries (*
SHQ (Super high quality mode)
Recording: Approx. 13 h.
Playback through speaker (*
): Approx. 10 h.
Playback using the headphones: Approx. 21 h.
HQ (High quality mode)
Recording: Approx. 15 h.
Playback through speaker (*
): Approx. 10 h.
Playback using the headphones: Approx. 23 h.
SP (Standard play mode)
Recording: Approx. 16 h.
Playback through speaker (*
): Approx. 10 h.
Playback using the headphones: Approx. 24 h.
LP (Long play mode)
Recording: Approx. 20 h.
Playback through speaker (*
): Approx. 12 h.
Playback using the headphones: Approx. 32 h.
Measured value by the standard of JEITA (Japan Electronics and
InformationTechnology Industries Association). The battery life
may shorten depending on how you operate the IC recorder.
When using NH-AAA rechargeable batteries (not supplied),
battery life is shorter.
When playing back music through the internal speaker with the
volume level set to 28.
ˎ Electret condenser microphone
ˎ Rechargeable battery,
ˎ Battery charger BCG-34HSN
ˎ Compact charger & 2-pc
AAA Multi-Use Premium
batteries BCG-34HS2KAN,
Optional accessories
Depending on the country or region, some of the models or optional accessories are not available.
ˎ MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology and patents licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
ˎ All other trademarks and registered trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
holders. Furthermore, “™” and “®” are not mentioned in each case in this manual.
Do not expose the batteries (battery pack or batteries installed) to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like for a
long time.
Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type.
Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
The following FCC statement applies only to the version of this model manufactured for sale in the USA. Other versions
may not comply with FCC technical regulations.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device
may not causeharmful interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interferencethat
may cause undesired operation.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to
operate this equipment.
Please access the following support home page to get the support information about your IC recorder:
For customers in Latin America:
For customers in the U.S.A.:
For customers in other countries/regions:

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Sony ICD-BX132 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands, Français - 2 pagina's

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