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Additional Information
There is no sound from a specific component.
Check that the component is connected correctly
to the audio input jacks for that component.
Check that the cord(s) used for the connection is
(are) fully inserted into the jacks on both the
receiver and the component.
Check that you have selected the correct
component on the receiver.
There is no sound from one of the front
Connect a pair of headphones to the PHONES jack
to verify that sound is output from the headphones
(page 22).
If only one channel is output from the headphones,
the component may not be connected to the
receiver correctly. Check that all the cords are fully
inserted into the jacks on both the receiver and the
If both channels are output from the headphones,
the front speaker may not be connected to the
receiver correctly. Check the connection of the
front speaker which is not outputting any sound.
The left and right sounds are unbalanced or
Check that the speakers and components are
connected correctly and securely.
Adjust balance parameters in the LEVEL menu.
There is severe hum or noise.
Check that the speakers and components are
connected securely.
Check that the connecting cords are away from a
transformer or motor, and at least 3 meters away
from a TV set or fluorescent light.
Move your TV away from the audio components.
The plugs and jacks are dirty. Wipe them with a
cloth slightly moistened with alcohol.
There is no sound or only a very low-level sound
is heard from the center or /and surround
Make sure the sound field function is on (press
Select a sound field containing the word
C.ST.EX (pages 2425).
Adjust the speaker level (page 20).
Make sure the center or/and surround speaker
size parameter is set to either SMALL or
LARGE (page 16).
There is no sound from the active sub woofer.
There is no sound output from the SUB WOOFER
terminal depending on the sound field (page 58).
The surround effect cannot be obtained.
Make sure the sound field function is on (press
Dolby Digital or DTS multi channel sound is not
Check that the playing DVD, etc. is recorded in
Dolby Digital or DTS format.
When connecting the DVD player, etc. to the
digital input jacks of this receiver, check the
audio setting (settings for the audio output) of the
connected component.
Recording cannot be done.
Check that the components are connected
Select the source component with function
Make sure that INPUT MODE is set to
ANALOG (page 22) before recording from a
digital component connected to the analog
MD/TAPE terminal.
To connect an LD player via an RF demodulator.
Connect the LD player to the RF demodulator,
then connect the RF demodulators optical or
coaxial digital output to the receivers jack. When
making this connection, be sure to set INPUT
MODE manually (page 22). The receiver may not
operate correctly if INPUT MODE is set to
For details on DOLBY DIGITAL RF hookups, see
the operating instructions supplied with your RF

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