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: Lights up when the disc being
played back contains the LFE (Low
Frequency Effect) channel and when the
sound of the LFE channel signal is actually
being reproduced.
qa SW: Lights up when sub woofer selection is
set to YES (page 19) and the audio signal is
output from the SUB WOOFER jacks.
qs SP. OFF: Lights up when headphones are
Customizing sound fields
By adjusting the surround parameters and the
tone characteristics of the front speakers, you
can customize the sound fields to suit your
particular listening situation.
Once you customize a sound field, the changes
are stored in the memory indefinitely. You can
change a customized sound field any time by
making new adjustments to the parameters.
See the tables on 58 for the parameters
available in each sound field.
To get the most from multi
channel surround sound
Position your speakers and do the procedures
described in Multi channel surround setup
starting from page 15 before you customize a
sound field.
Adjusting the surround
The SURR menu contains parameter that let
you customize various aspects of the current
sound field. The settings are stored individually
for each sound field.
1 Start playing a program source
encoded with multi channel surround
2 Press SURR.
The button lights up and the first parameter
is displayed.
3 Press MENU + or MENU to select the
setting you want.
The setting is entered automatically.
Initial settings
Parameter Initial setting
EFFECT (depends on the sound field)
Effect level (EFFECT)
Lets you adjust the presence of the current
surround effect.
Adjusting the level
The LEVEL menu contains parameters that let
you adjust the balance and volumes of each
speaker. The settings are applied to all sound
1 Start playing a program source
encoded with multi channel surround
2 Press LEVEL.
The button lights up and the first parameter
is displayed.
3 Press MENU or MENU to select
the parameter you want to adjust.
4 Press MENU + or MENU to select the
setting you want.
The setting is entered automatically.
Understanding the multi channel
surround displays (continued)

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