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On safety
• Should any solid object or liquid fall into the
system, unplug the system and have it
checked by qualified personnel before
operating it any further.
• Do not climb on the Sound Bar or the
subwoofer, as you may fall down and injure
yourself, or system damage may result.
On power sources
• Before operating the system, check that the
operating voltage is identical to your local
power supply. The operating voltage is
indicated on the nameplate at the rear of the
Sound Bar.
• If you are not going to use the system for a
long time, be sure to disconnect the system
from the wall outlet (mains). To disconnect
the AC power cord (mains lead), grasp the
plug itself; never pull the cord.
• One blade of the plug is wider than the other
for the purpose of safety and will fit into the
wall outlet (mains) only one way. If you are
unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet,
contact your dealer.
• AC power cord (mains lead) must be
changed only at the qualified service shop.
On heat buildup
Although the system heats up during
operation, this is not a malfunction. If you
continuously use this system at a large
volume, the system temperature of the back
and bottom rises considerably. To avoid
burning yourself, do not touch the system.
On placement
• Place the system in a location with adequate
ventilation to prevent heat buildup and
prolong the life of the system.
Do not place the system near heat sources, or
in a place subject to direct sunlight,
excessive dust, or mechanical shock.
Do not place anything at the rear of the
Sound Bar that might block the ventilation
holes and cause malfunctions.
• If the system is being used in combination
with a TV, VCR, or tape deck, noise may
result, and picture quality may suffer. In this
case, place the system away from the TV,
VCR, or tape deck.
Use caution when placing the system on
surfaces that have been specially treated
(with wax, oil, polish, etc.) as staining or
discoloration of the surface may result.
Take care to avoid any possible injury on the
corners of the Sound Bar or the subwoofer.
On operation
Before connecting other equipment, be sure to
turn off and unplug the system.
If you encounter color
irregularity on a nearby TV
Color irregularities may be observed on
certain types of TV sets.
If color irregularity is
Turn off the TV set, then turn it on again after
15 to 30 minutes.
If color irregularity is
observed again...
Place the system further away from the TV
On cleaning
Clean the system with a soft dry cloth. Do not
use any type of abrasive pad, scouring powder
or solvent such as alcohol or benzine.
If you have any question or problem
concerning your system, please consult your
nearest Sony dealer.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony HT-CT260

Sony HT-CT260 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 127 pagina's

Sony HT-CT260 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 127 pagina's

Sony HT-CT260 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 127 pagina's

Sony HT-CT260 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 127 pagina's

Sony HT-CT260 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 127 pagina's

Sony HT-CT260 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 127 pagina's

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