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Actual total number: Sony EXCD-406/306 (E) 3-859-007-12(1)
Troubleshooting guide
The following checklist will help you remedy the problems that you may encounter with your unit.
Before going through the checklist below, check the connection and operating procedures.
No sound.
The contents of the memory
have been erased.
Indications do not appear in the
No beep tone.
Adjust the volume with (+).
Set the fader control to the center position for two-speaker
• The power cord or battery has been disconnected.
• The reset button has been pressed.
n Store the settings again into the memory.
Remove the front panel and clean the connectors. See “Cleaning
the connectors” (page 9) for details.
An optional power amplifier is connected and you are not
using the built-in amplifier.
The beep tone is muted (page 8).
Additional Information
Another CD is already loaded.
The CD was forcibly inserted upside down.
Dusty disc.
The ambient temperature is more than 50°C (122°F).
Press the 6 button for two seconds.
Press the reset button.
• The unit is installed at an angle of more than 20°.
• The unit is not installed in a sturdy part of the car.
CD cannot be loaded.
Play does not begin.
CD is automatically ejected.
CD will not eject.
The operation buttons do not
The sound skips due to
CD playback
Preset tuning is not possible.
Automatic tuning is not
The “ST” indication flashes.
• Store the correct frequency.
• The broadcast signal is too weak.
The broadcast signal is too weak.
n Use manual tuning.
Tune in the frequency correctly.
The broadcast signal is too weak.
n Set to the MONO mode (page 7).
Radio reception
Clean or insert the CD correctly.
Press the reset button or 6.
A CD is dirty or inserted upside
The CD player cannot be operated
because of some problem.
If the above-mentioned solutions do not help improve the situation, consult your nearest Sony
Error displays
The following indications will flash for about five seconds.

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