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To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not
expose the unit to rain or moisture.
To avoid electrical shock, do not open
the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified
personnel only.
The mains lead must only be changed
at a qualified service shop.
This appliance is classified as a
CLASS 1 LASER product. The
MARKING is located on the laser
protective housing inside the
The use of optical instruments with this
product will increase eye hazard. As
the laser beam used in this DVD
recorder is harmful to eyes, do not
attempt to disassemble the cabinet.
Refer servicing to qualified personnel
This label is located on the laser
protective housing inside the
This unit operates on 230 V AC, 50/
60 Hz. Check that the unit’s
operating voltage is identical with
your local power supply.
To prevent fire, do not cover the
ventilation of the apparatus with
newspapers, table-cloths, curtains,
etc. And do not place lighted candles
on the apparatus.
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do
not place objects filled with liquids,
such as vases, on the apparatus.
HOWVIEW is a registered trademark of
Gemstar Development Corporation.
The S
HOWVIEW system is
manufactured under license from
Gemstar Development Corporation.
Do not throw away the
battery with general
house waste, dispose
of it correctly as
chemical waste.
Disposal of Old Electrical &
Electronic Equipment
(Applicable in the European
Union and other European
countries with separate
collection systems)
This symbol on the
product or on its
packaging indicates
that this product shall
not be treated as
household waste.
Instead it shall be
handed over to the
applicable collection point for the
recycling of electrical and electronic
equipment. By ensuring this product is
disposed of correctly, you will help
prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and
human health, which could otherwise
be caused by inappropriate waste
handling of this product. The recycling
of materials will help to conserve
natural resources. For more detailed
information about recycling of this
product, please contact your local city
office, your household waste disposal
service or the shop where you
purchased the product.
On safety
Should any solid object or liquid fall
into the cabinet, unplug the system
and have it checked by qualified
personnel before operating it any
When disconnecting the mains
leads, do not touch the metallic part
of the jacks or plugs.
About the hard disk drive
The hard disk has a high storage
density, which enables long
recording durations and quick
access to the written data. However,
it can easily be damaged by shock,
vibration or dust, and should be kept
away from magnets. To avoid losing
important data, observe the
following precautions.
Do not apply a strong shock to the
Do not place the recorder in a
location subject to mechanical
vibrations or in an unstable
Do not place the recorder on top of
a hot surface, such as a VCR or
amplifier (receiver).
Do not use the recorder in a place
subject to extreme changes in
temperature (temperature gradient
less than 10 °C/hour).
Do not move the recorder with its
mains lead connected.
Do not disconnect the mains lead
while the power is on.
When disconnecting the mains
lead, turn off the power and make
sure that the hard disk drive is not
operating (the clock is displayed in
the front panel display and all
recording or dubbing has stopped).
Do not move the recorder for one
minute after you have unplugged
the mains lead.
Do not attempt to replace or
upgrade the hard disk by yourself,
as this may result in malfunction.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony DAR-RH1000

Sony DAR-RH1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch - 552 pagina's

Sony DAR-RH1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 128 pagina's

Sony DAR-RH1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 552 pagina's

Sony DAR-RH1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 388 pagina's

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