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On adjusting volume
Do not turn up the volume while listening to a
section with very low level inputs or no audio
signals. Your ears and the speakers may be
damaged when the sound level reaches the
On cleaning
Clean the cabinet, panel, and controls with a
soft cloth. Do not use any type of abrasive pad,
scouring powder or solvent such as alcohol or
On cleaning discs, disc/lens cleaners
Do not use cleaning discs or disc/lens cleaners
(including wet or spray types). These may
cause the apparatus to malfunction.
On replacement of parts
In the events that this player is repaired,
repaired parts may be collected for reuse or
recycling purposes.
On connecting to the HDMI OUT jack
Observe the following as improper handling
may damage the HDMI OUT jack and the
Carefully align the HDMI OUT jack on the
rear of the player and the HDMI connector
by checking their shapes. Make sure the
connector is not upside down or tilted.
Be sure to disconnect the HDMI cable when
moving the player.
Hold the HDMI connector straight when
connecting or disconnecting the HDMI
cable. Do not twist or force the HDMI
connector into the HDMI OUT jack.
On watching 3D video images
(BDP-S4200/S5200 only)
Some people may experience discomfort
(such as eye strain, fatigue, or nausea) while
watching 3D video images. Sony recommends
that all viewers take regular breaks while
watching 3D video images. The length and
frequency of necessary breaks will vary from
person to person. You must decide what works
best. If you experience any discomfort, you
should stop watching the 3D video images
until the discomfort ends; consult a doctor if
you believe necessary. You should also
review (i) the instruction manual and/or the
caution message of any other device used
with, or Blu-ray Disc contents played with this
product and (ii) our website
for the latest information. The vision of young
children (especially those under six years old)
is still under development. Consult your
doctor (such as a pediatrician or eye doctor)
before allowing young children to watch 3D
video images.
Adults should supervise young children to
ensure they follow the recommendations
listed above.
If you have any questions or problems
concerning your player, please consult your
nearest Sony dealer.
Caution: This player is capable of holding
a still video image or on-screen display
image on your television screen
indefinitely. If you leave the still video
image or on-screen display image
displayed on your TV for an extended
period of time you risk permanent damage
to your television screen. Plasma display
panel televisions and projection
televisions are susceptible to this.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Sony BDP-S3200

Sony BDP-S3200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 192 pagina's

Sony BDP-S3200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 44 pagina's

Sony BDP-S3200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl, Polski - 232 pagina's

Sony BDP-S3200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Türkiye - 46 pagina's

Sony BDP-S3200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 232 pagina's

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